Clit Vibe

Review: Nu Sensuelle Point Bullet

Nu Sensuelle Point

I’ve seen the Nu Sensuelle Point around for awhile, and it has always peaked my interest. If you know your sex toys, you’ll probably notice that while this is essentially just a generic bullet style clit vibrator, it also looks a hell of a lot like the We-Vibe Tango, which just so happens to be one of my all time favourite sex toys. The perks of the Nu Sensuelle Point over the Tango though? Well, it is cheaper, it has more functions, it has a charging stand (instead of the Tango’s frustratingly bad magnetic charger), and it is designed in Australia (you know I love supporting local manufacturers and retailers). Plus, I’ve heard from other bloggers that its vibrations are pretty good too, so it has definitely been on my watch list for review items, especially since I always love to find cheaper and local alternatives to toys for recommendation. So when Femplay, one of my blog sponsors, recently offered me a few toys to review and I noticed the Nu Sensuelle Point on the list, I knew I just had to give it a go.


Review: Dame Fin

Dame Fin

I love seeing sex toys being talked about in the mainstream media, and if there is one company that is superb at getting attention from media that would usually see sex toys as taboo, it is Dame Products. It’s no surprise, their branding is that of a minimalist and trendy gadget start-up for millennials rather than a sex toy, and quite frankly it is refreshing to see. Their second product Fin, that I am reviewing today, broke records as the first ever sex toy campaign on Kickstarter, and brought in almost $400,000 worth of pledges, despite only having a $50,000 goal. This immediately told me that this toy was going to be a big deal. Since I never tried their first product, Eva, which had a similar crowdfunding success, I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect. But I did remember hearing that it wasn’t all that great. The Fin’s Kickstarter video looked so good though that I truly believed it would finally cement Dame as a quality sex toy manufacturer. But, then I read this interview, where the product designer states their ‘research‘ of sex toys is based on their purchases from Amazon…. and it all went downhill from there.


Review: Zumio X


Usually when I first get offered a product for review I have a basic idea of how much I’m going to like it. A big reason for this is if I’ve read other blogger’s reviews of the same item, but what about when it’s a brand new product? Well, I can usually get an idea either from the manufacturer (do they have a good track record of other products?), or the type of toy (is it a style that I usually enjoy?). There are rare exceptions to this rule however, such as when brand new companies come out with innovative new toys I’ve never even considered before, such as when Womanizer first released their clitoral suction toy. I would have never guessed how big they would become if I had been reviewing for them back then. So, when JOUJOU approached me about reviewing the Zumio X, a completely new style of toy from a brand new company, it felt like Womanizer all over again and I had no idea what to expect. Now, full disclosure, when I first saw it I literally lol’d and straight up told JOUJOU I didn’t think it would work. But, being ever curious I accepted it anyway because I just had to find out more, and as always, I hoped to be proven wrong.


Review: Vibease


Usually the first time I hold a sex toy in my hands and have a quick play around with it, before I even use it properly, I can generally tell whether or not it’ll work for me. My body has a lot of personal preferences, as does everyones, and I’ve gotten to know these pretty well after two years of sex toy reviewing. I know for a dildo I like lengthy but thin A-spot orientated realistic toys, and for a vibrator I like strong rumbly vibrations paired with a soft broad head that has a lot of pressure applied to it. So when I recently received the Vibease for review, it was immediately obvious that almost everything about it was the complete opposite of my preferences, and I thought there was no way it would suit my body. But as a reviewer I love to be proven wrong, and so I jumped right into testing it just as I would with any other toy, and I was very pleasantly surprised.


Review: VeDO Luv Plus Rechargeable Vibrator

VeDO Luv Plus

Last year I got to review some amazing products, that, if it wasn’t for the fact I am a reviewer, I would have never been able to afford. It was, and is, fantastic, but as someone who is considered on the lower end of society in terms of money, I can completely understand how alienating it can feel to readers who are making an effort to try and find good sex toys but can’t actually buy any of the things I review. Cheaper sex toys are just as important as higher end or luxury ones, if not more so, and they can be just as good. In fact the most expensive toys I have ever reviewed, the MysteryVibe Crescendo and O-WAND, I gave bad reviews to. Just because something is expensive doesn’t mean it is any good, and I think that it is our jobs as reviewers to let our readers know this and what better options are out there for them. Cheap but good quality toys that are made from body-safe materials are becoming more common and can provide a great entry-point or even full-fledged toy if you know where to look. So this year I want to start reviewing more budget-friendly toys to provide more accessible options for the majority of my readers. To start this off Peepshow Toys have kindly sent me two VeDO toys that are both under $45 AUD / $35 USD, the Luv Plus Bullet Vibrator and Quaker Anal Vibe, and for this review I will be focusing on the Luv Plus.


Review: We-Vibe Wish

We-Vibe Wish

I’m a big We-Vibe fan. My Tango is a must-have during PIV sex, and no other bullet vibrator I have tried has even come close to its power. It transforms even the most boring of dildos into amazing orgasms, and while I don’t talk about it as often, its sister toy, the We-Vibe Touch, is also a brilliant and powerful toy. We-Vibe have released, to hugely positive reviews, a few new products last year, but they were primarily internal vibrators and as this isn’t really my thing I didn’t pursue reviewing them. More recently however the We-Vibe Wish was announced, We-Vibe’s brand new clitoral vibrator, and just on those words I was sold, after all their other two are the best in my toybox. Then I saw its adorable soft silicone design and gorgeous blue colour and I needed one immediately. The awesome guys over at Peepshow Toys were kind enough to hook me up with one for review, and here we are.


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