Clit Vibe

Mini Review: Lovehoney Oh! Bath Bomb

Lovehoney Oh! Bath Bomb and Box

It’s been a few years now since I’ve written a ‘Mini Review’ for the blog, a category previously reserved for Toy Cleaners. But recently I’ve acquired a few items as gifts, that while I’m under no obligation to write about and that aren’t even really substantial enough as a product to give a regular review to, I still want to share my thoughts on. As such, Mini Reviews are probably something that will become a bit more regular on the blog now! First up is a product I received from Lovehoney recently to celebrate Sexual Happiness Week, the Lovehoney Oh! Bath Bomb.


Review: Hot Octopuss Queen Bee

Hot Octopuss Queen Bee

The Hot Octopuss Queen Bee is one of those toys that everyone knew about and wanted when it was released. The UK brand is known for their innovative penis-oriented pleasure products, so when they announced they were working on a toy for the clitoris, it was a big deal. Not just for sex toy reviewers like me either, as Hot Octopuss have a fantastic marketing team that had even the general public literally lining up to try this toy. Just the PR for this product was so good that it beat out McDonalds for an award on it, which I can’t imagine is an easy feat. But when the toy was finally released into the hands of reviewers… the thoughts were, well, mixed. I’ve heard fantastic things and I’ve heard not-so-fantastic things about this product. But that only made me want it more, how could a product have so many different opinions? Due to all this I was super excited when Hot Octopuss got in contact with me recently to review it for them.


Review: Satisfyer Pro Plus Vibration

Satisfyer Pro Plus Vibration

This is my third review of a Satisfyer toy, and since I absolutely adored the last two, I have very high expectations. While there was no actual functional difference between my other two versions, the Satisfyer Pro 2 and Satisfyer Pro Penguin Next Generation, it was all the little improvements, such as more intuitive buttons, less noise, and a larger nozzle, that made the Pro Penguin feel on a whole other level. But while my new model, the Satisfyer Pro Plus Vibration (also known as the Satisfyer Pro 1+), has similar little fixes, it also features a whole other function. Can you guess what it is (hint: it’s in the name)? That’s right, this is a Satisfyer toy that can also vibrate! It seems like such an obvious and simple improvement, but I never even considered it prior to hearing about this toy. It also sounds amazing, and so I instantly knew I had to get my hands on one of these. Thankfully Nikki Darling were kind enough to send one my way, so let’s see if it’s as good as it sounds!


Review: Rocks Off Purple Heart

Rocks Off Purple HeartSex toys can come in all shapes and sizes, but sadly most look pretty much the same, with companies sticking to the traditional designs that have been around for years. This can be great, it means you’re getting something that is known to perform well, but if you want your toy collection to keep expanding after you get these fundamental types, then it can get a little boring as you struggle to find anything new or original. I often feel like this, so when Rocks Off recently approached me about trying their new range of toys, I was instantly drawn to the Purple Heart when I saw it. It isn’t quite a clitoral vibrator, and it isn’t quite a wand massager. In fact, I personally haven’t seen anything like it before. But the design makes a lot of sense to me, plus it looks fantastic. Of course, when designing something new the risk factor that it won’t work is a lot higher, but I think companies need to take these risks occasionally in order to innovate. Either way, this is a toy I was super excited to try out.


Review: Blush Novelties Noje W3

Blush Novelties Noje W3

While I love all sorts of sex toys, I have to admit that clitoral vibrators and wand massagers are easily the type I use the most. It’s only sometimes that I am in the mood for dildos, internal vibrators, or butt plugs, but almost daily you can find me using a external vibrator. To me, wand massagers are the ultimate lazy masturbation toys, while clitoral vibrators are the perfect accessory to any sexy-time encounters with my partner. So, when Peepshow Toys approached me recently about reviewing some toys for them, I was drawn to the Blush Novelties Noje W3, as it’s essentially a cross between these two types of external vibrating toys. How? Well, it may look like a wand massager, but at less than half the size of my Magic Wand, it’s even smaller than some of my clitoral vibrators!


Review: Rocks Off Unihorn Stardust

Rocks Off Unihorn Stardust

I love working directly with manufacturers. Not only does it mean I get to work alongside the people who actually make the product, but it can also mean I get access to brand new products that might have not even hit the stores yet. So, recently when I saw Rocks Off put out a call for reviewers for their newest toy range, I was super eager to be a part of it. I was then lucky enough to get chosen, and sent a list of items to choose from. This was a tough decision, but ultimately my love for clitoral toys won out, and I requested the Rocks Off Unihorn and Purple Heart, two fantastic looking clitoral vibrators. Today I am just reviewing the Unihorn, but look out for my Purple Heart review in the coming weeks.


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