Navigating the world of sex toys as a non-binary queer person is not easy. Go to almost any online sex store, and you’ll see a menu with categories like “female”, “male”, “couples”, “gay” and “lesbian”. But where do I fit? I could choose female, my gender assigned at birth, but what if I want a toy I can use solo and with a partner, and what if I don’t know the gender of said partner? It gives me a headache just thinking about it, and that’s as someone with almost a decade of experience in the industry. So I can’t imagine the difficulties that arise for someone new to all this, regardless of how you identify. Because at the end of the day, it’s all bullshit. Sex toys have no gender or sexuality, and the vast majority of them can be used by anyone, regardless of your genitals or preference of partner. So when Betty’s Toy Box (one of the few retailers doing the right thing by categorising toys by type and which body part they stimulate) recently introduced me to Evolved Novelties’ new brand Gender X, which offers a range of gender-neutral sex toys, I signed right up to review the Sunflower.