I can’t help it, I love Satisfyer! I know they certainly aren’t the best brand out there, and have had their fair share of toy failures, but I just can’t deny the fact that every toy I have ever tried from them has been amazing. Not only that, but each toy I’ve tried has taken their signature suction technology to a whole new level, which is why every time I review one it becomes my next favourite. So far Satisfyer have had products in all of my annual Top 10 Toys of the Year lists, the only company to achieve such a feat, and they consistently place in the Top 5, going so far as to make both number four and two in last year’s list. As such, when I set out to host my biggest giveaway ever a few months ago for my Fourth Blogiversary, I knew I had to include a Satisfyer toy. I was then lucky enough to secure their newest clitoral simulator, the Satisfyer Luxury, and to be honest promoting it for that giveaway really made me want one for myself! Thankfully SheVibe were kind enough to send one for me to try, and I eagerly awaited it to see if my good luck with Satisfyer products would continue!