The Hot Octopuss Queen Bee is one of those toys that everyone knew about and wanted when it was released. The UK brand is known for their innovative penis-oriented pleasure products, so when they announced they were working on a toy for the clitoris, it was a big deal. Not just for sex toy reviewers like me either, as Hot Octopuss have a fantastic marketing team that had even the general public literally lining up to try this toy. Just the PR for this product was so good that it beat out McDonalds for an award on it, which I can’t imagine is an easy feat. But when the toy was finally released into the hands of reviewers… the thoughts were, well, mixed. I’ve heard fantastic things and I’ve heard not-so-fantastic things about this product. But that only made me want it more, how could a product have so many different opinions? Due to all this I was super excited when Hot Octopuss got in contact with me recently to review it for them.