It’s not too often I get really excited about being sent a product these days. But when Nikki Darling recently announced they would be bringing the NoFrillDo by Funkit Toys to Australia, I knew I had to get one. I’ve been interested in the creations of Funkit Toys for a few years now, and even wrote about their Signet, a silicone ring designed to help further stimulate the clitoris when masturbating with your hand, early last year in my Top New Sex Toys I Want in 2017 post. Unfortunately, the Signet was part of a crowd-funding campaign which didn’t make its goal, and so I never ended up testing it out. But then late last year Funkit decided to try their luck at crowdfunding once more, this time for the NoFrillDo, and it was an astounding success, raising 465% of its goal. Obviously this caught my eye, and so I was over the moon when I heard they would soon be available to purchase in my own country. Nikki Darling must have read my mind, because soon after they asked me whether I wanted to review one!