If I were to pinpoint the most surprising thing I have found out about my body since starting this sex toy journey, it would be that I have a really small vagina. By that, I mean that while I have an average looking one, and have a little above average depth, my vagina’s opening is very small, meaning I have a lot of trouble with above average girth toys. I still hope to one day be a Size Queen (a term used by bloggers who enjoy big toys) like a lot of my other favourite sex toy bloggers and be able to enjoy some of their favourites, but right now that’s not the case, I’m more like a Size Princess at the moment. That is totally ok, everyone is different and it doesn’t really effect me too much. But it is something I didn’t know when purchasing the Tantus Vamp. I don’t see it as a mistake, because it helped me to learn myself, but ultimately it turned a toy I have read many positive reviews on, into something not so positive for me.