YoYoLemon Licking Vibrator

Acoustic masturbation isn’t something I get up to much these days considering my job as a sex toy tester. But it’s where I, like many others, had my start with pleasure. I’ve always opted for non-penetrative play, ruining many pillows and bedsheets during my youth, which is why external toys like wand massagers and suction toys continue to be my favourites today. And it seems I’m not alone, with the majority of people with a clitoris choosing to focus on this too. Yet this isn’t something I was aware of growing up, and even though I had a much more comprehensive sexual education than most, I was under the belief that fingering was the correct way to masturbate (apparently this was taught during a class I missed, alongside a video demonstration on it, although I now wonder if my friends were just joking). I hated the idea and avoided it despite my concerns that I was doing something wrong, and even now the only things to enter my vagina are toys, my menstrual cup, and my partner. But for today’s review I’m hoping to challenge my thoughts on this common style of masturbation, with the YoYoLemon Licking Vibrator!
