If I had to name one initiative in the sex toy industry that I really love, I think I would have to say Lovehoney’s Design a Sex Toy competition. Launched in 2009, the contest is essentially just a way for Lovehoney to come up with new sex toy ideas, except unlike other companies who may just take a customer’s idea and run with it, Lovehoney definitely make it worth your while. Aside from a $5K cash prize upon your idea being chosen, you will also receive royalties from the product if Lovehoney decide to actually make it. In fact, you’ve probably heard of the Sqweel, which, aside from being the first product to win the contest, went on to become so popular that it ended up making its creator over $600K AUD in royalties. So yeah, the Lovehoney Design a Sex Toy competition is a pretty big deal, and if you ever have an idea worth entering I’d highly advise it. Anyway, the reason I’m talking about all of this is because today I will be reviewing the latest winner of the contest, which is a toy so different that Lovehoney have even gone so far as to include the word “revolutionary” in its tagline. Introducing… the Lovehoney Gyr8tor.