This is my first review of 2017 and this year I’ve got a lot of big goals for the blog. One of them is trying to diversify my posts and review products. Different types of toys, writing more about my opinions on certain topics rather than just reviews, and so forth. So, on that note, even though it’s a little bit of a stretch, I thought that this sex toy would be the perfect way to kick off the year. The Tantus Uncut #1 represents a step forward in dildo diversity. If you hadn’t noticed, this particular dildo is uncircumcised and features a foreskin. I’ve read a lot of reviews on this toy before deciding to get one, and bloggers often talk about how they have never had a uncircumcised partner before, but that is because the majority of them are from the US where around 80% of penises are circumcised. I, on the other hand, live in Australia where only around 30% of penises are circumcised, so as you can imagine all my partners have been ‘uncut’. This also explains why you’ve likely never seen a uncircumcised dildo or penis in the media before, because the majority of our porn and sex toys come from the US! I was so happy to see the penises that I know and love represented when Tantus announced the Uncut, and since have been so glad to see many other sex toy companies continue this awesome trend.