Magnetic Charger

Review: Satisfyer Pro G-Spot Rabbit

Satisfyer Pro G-Spot Rabbit

I don’t think I’ve ever doubted a sex toy more than with the Satisfyer Pro G-Spot Rabbit (also known as the Satisfyer Pro + G-Spot), as soon as I saw it I thought it was a bad idea. I’m automatically suspicious of all rabbit style vibrators, because it can be so hard to find one that will actually suit your body. Companies who make them seem to assume the distance between the clitoris and vaginal opening, and if you don’t fit into that measurement, or the small window of flexibility that some offer, then you’re probably going to be down a hundred bucks and left with a vibrator you can’t use. Certainly if you find one that does suit your body then they can be amazing, and I have actually had some pretty good luck with the rabbit style vibes I have tried so far, but as a blogger I feel unprofessional recommending toys that I know probably won’t work for a lot of people, even if it does work for me. Then bring Satisfyer’s suction-style toys into the picture, a range of products that I have trouble placing on my clitoris when it’s the only thing I have to do… yeah, that doesn’t sound like the best match. But, Satisfyer do seem to continually prove me wrong and have produced nothing but astounding toys so far, so I thought I should at least give them some credit and try out their latest innovation, who knows, maybe it’ll surprise me.


Review: Satisfyer Pro Plus Vibration

Satisfyer Pro Plus Vibration

This is my third review of a Satisfyer toy, and since I absolutely adored the last two, I have very high expectations. While there was no actual functional difference between my other two versions, the Satisfyer Pro 2 and Satisfyer Pro Penguin Next Generation, it was all the little improvements, such as more intuitive buttons, less noise, and a larger nozzle, that made the Pro Penguin feel on a whole other level. But while my new model, the Satisfyer Pro Plus Vibration (also known as the Satisfyer Pro 1+), has similar little fixes, it also features a whole other function. Can you guess what it is (hint: it’s in the name)? That’s right, this is a Satisfyer toy that can also vibrate! It seems like such an obvious and simple improvement, but I never even considered it prior to hearing about this toy. It also sounds amazing, and so I instantly knew I had to get my hands on one of these. Thankfully Nikki Darling were kind enough to send one my way, so let’s see if it’s as good as it sounds!


Review: Blush Novelties Noje W3

Blush Novelties Noje W3

While I love all sorts of sex toys, I have to admit that clitoral vibrators and wand massagers are easily the type I use the most. It’s only sometimes that I am in the mood for dildos, internal vibrators, or butt plugs, but almost daily you can find me using a external vibrator. To me, wand massagers are the ultimate lazy masturbation toys, while clitoral vibrators are the perfect accessory to any sexy-time encounters with my partner. So, when Peepshow Toys approached me recently about reviewing some toys for them, I was drawn to the Blush Novelties Noje W3, as it’s essentially a cross between these two types of external vibrating toys. How? Well, it may look like a wand massager, but at less than half the size of my Magic Wand, it’s even smaller than some of my clitoral vibrators!


Review: Satisfyer Pro Penguin Next Generation

Satisfyer Pro Penguin Next Generation

It has been awhile since I have had a Satisfyer product reviewed on my blog, but they certainly haven’t gone anywhere in all this time. I reviewed the first Satisfyer product, the Satisfyer Pro 2, a year ago now after the huge craze of the very similar Womanizer toys. Back then this suction technology was still a novelty, and the far cheaper Satisfyer Pro 2 made it more accessible than ever before. Personally I adored the toy, and it still remains one of my favourites, coming in at Number 3 in my Top 10 Toys of 2016 lineup. A few months after my review, Satisfyer, riding their wave of success, launched four new toys to sit alongside an upgraded version of the Pro 2. These toys all had different designs and features to allow for variations between the products, as well as some more budget friendly versions, and I was lucky enough to check them out at Sexpo in November. Out of the four toys, the Penguin design was the by far the most popular, with its adorable design winning numerous awards. Where were my reviews of these items? Lost in the mail it seems sadly, as Satisfyer did send me a review box for them that never arrived. But now it’s 2017, and Satisfyer are back with Next Generation versions of all their products. Thanks to Nikki Darling I’ll be reviewing the new Pro Penguin today, and seeing just how far Satisfyer have come since my last review.


Review: L’amourose Prism V

L'amourose Prism V

Even though I am a sex toy reviewer and it might seem like I can get whatever toy I want there is still a bunch that I desperately desire but have never had the opportunity to review, and up until now this particular toy has been at the top of that list. Even though I had never tried any products from them before, L’amourose is one of my favourite luxury sex toy manufacturers. I hear constant praise for their products and customer service, and I love the designs they come out with. A few times I have had the opportunity to review L’amourose, and so after much research I decided that the Prism V was the toy I wanted most, however all those times ultimately fell through. But when JOUJOU recently approached me and asked if I wanted to review something for them I was overjoyed when I saw they stocked the L’amourose Prism V and requested it straight away.


Review: We-Vibe Wish

We-Vibe Wish

I’m a big We-Vibe fan. My Tango is a must-have during PIV sex, and no other bullet vibrator I have tried has even come close to its power. It transforms even the most boring of dildos into amazing orgasms, and while I don’t talk about it as often, its sister toy, the We-Vibe Touch, is also a brilliant and powerful toy. We-Vibe have released, to hugely positive reviews, a few new products last year, but they were primarily internal vibrators and as this isn’t really my thing I didn’t pursue reviewing them. More recently however the We-Vibe Wish was announced, We-Vibe’s brand new clitoral vibrator, and just on those words I was sold, after all their other two are the best in my toybox. Then I saw its adorable soft silicone design and gorgeous blue colour and I needed one immediately. The awesome guys over at Peepshow Toys were kind enough to hook me up with one for review, and here we are.


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