Multiple Motors

Review: We-Vibe Wish

We-Vibe Wish

I’m a big We-Vibe fan. My Tango is a must-have during PIV sex, and no other bullet vibrator I have tried has even come close to its power. It transforms even the most boring of dildos into amazing orgasms, and while I don’t talk about it as often, its sister toy, the We-Vibe Touch, is also a brilliant and powerful toy. We-Vibe have released, to hugely positive reviews, a few new products last year, but they were primarily internal vibrators and as this isn’t really my thing I didn’t pursue reviewing them. More recently however the We-Vibe Wish was announced, We-Vibe’s brand new clitoral vibrator, and just on those words I was sold, after all their other two are the best in my toybox. Then I saw its adorable soft silicone design and gorgeous blue colour and I needed one immediately. The awesome guys over at Peepshow Toys were kind enough to hook me up with one for review, and here we are.


Review: MysteryVibe Crescendo

MysteryVibe Crescendo

It is not often a sex toy gains the amount of popularity that the MysteryVibe Crescendo achieved before it was even released. What started as a crowd funding campaign in 2005, the Crescendo quickly became seen as the next big thing in sex toys by both bloggers and the sex-positive general public alike. The idea of a bendable sex toy with six motors instantly made headlines, and its innovative design of a gender neutral and fully customisable vibrator that could be adjusted to suit the user’s preferences was much welcomed and endorsed by sex bloggers, including me. Plus, combined with its app and six motors (yes, that wasn’t a typo) you can even customise and design your own vibration styles and patterns. The seemingly only downside to the toy was its material, which was TPE, but they have now changed this to wonderful body-safe silicone, making what seemed like a already pretty perfect toy even better!


Review: Unbound Subscription Box

Unbound box

I love subscription boxes. They’re one of my favourite things to splurge my money on. There’s really nothing more fun than once a month or so getting a box of goodies sorta unexpectedly delivered to your door, and then ripping into it to discover what treasures lie inside. Before them the only time I got a bunch of gifts in this way was during christmas or my birthday, so basically getting a subscription box makes it feel like christmas multiple times a year, who wouldn’t want that? Recently a new trend has hit subscription boxes: sex toys! I feel like I hear about a new box almost weekly. Unfortunately, I haven’t been too impressed with the range I’ve seen available. Almost all generally appear to feature non body safe toys and lubricants filled with things you do not want near your vagina. I’m not surprised really, body safe sex toys can be expensive and good lubes are few and far between. Plus there isn’t a whole lot you can give a person or couple without having to specifically know their preferences (e.g. are you interested in anal?). Thankfully, my opinion changed about sex toy subscription boxes when the awesome guys from Unbound Box contacted me about a review.


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