Tap Suction

Review: Eden Fantasys Wonder

Eden Fantasys Wonder

If you’ve spent much time on my blog, you’ll likely know that my two favourite types of pleasure products are, without question, air pressure wave toys and wand massagers. Nothing even comes close to comparing to these, and whilst they have a shared focus on the clitoris, they otherwise couldn’t be more different. Often large and expensive, massagers contain some of the most powerful vibrations a sex toy can offer, and provide a gradual build-up over their broad surface area to a satisfying and, in my opinion, relaxed orgasm. Meanwhile, the small and frequently budget-friendly clitoral stimulator uses air pressure waves to create a pin-point “suction” feeling on the clitoris, creating an intense and tear-jerking experience that is usually over before you know it. So, when Eden Fantasys recently reached out and offered me the chance to review some of their products, I was blown away when I saw the Wonder, a toy that is both a clitoral stimulator and massager in one!


Review: Womanizer OG

Womanizer OG

I’ve now reviewed products from over one hundred different sex toy brands, but when I’m asked my favourite it’s always an easy answer: WOW Tech. The company overseeing both the German-based Womanizer and Canadian We-Vibe, among other things (and coincidentally now part of the UK’s Lovehoney Group, who have long been my favourite retailer), they’ve been leading the industry ever since I joined it and produce some of my absolute favourite toys. Whilst We-Vibe, makers of the legendary Tango X and Nova 2, have a broad catalogue to cover a wide range of electronics, Womanizer instead specialises on just one kind: air pressure. And since that also happens to be my favourite type of sex toy, it goes without saying that Womanizer holds a special place in my heart, and finishing up reviewing their entire range was a highlight of last year. Of course, even with this, I was still over the moon when they announced an entirely new model a few months ago, but with a design as eccentric as its name, I can’t say I wasn’t a little concerned.


Review: Pink Punch Peachu

Pink Punch Peachu

My blog has always been closely linked to suction toys. The obvious reason is because they are my favourite type of sex toy, and I love to review them and encourage others to experience their life changing orgasms. But the other, lesser known, reason is that I started my blog the same year they were first released, and I feel like we’ve grown up together in a way. Far from their origins as a tacky animal-print design with an awful name (alright, the name still exists), there are now hundreds of air pressure wave toys out there, and almost ten years later brands are still finding ways to innovate upon them. That takes us to today’s review, which features the new Pink Punch Peachu’s take on suction with a twist: an alternative D-shaped nozzle!


Review: Sohimi Rose Queen

Sohimi Rose Queen

Last night I finally watched Free Guy, and I can’t help but think back to Taika Waititi as the CEO of a video game company saying “Make an original? Why would I do that when I can make a sequel?, when writing this review. Sequel culture is everywhere these days, with films, television, video games, and just about every other form of entertainment choosing to stick with what their customers already know and love rather than risking doing something remotely new or inventive. So, when a brand manages to create one of the most popular sex toys in years, so much so that it goes absolutely viral on social media, it was only a matter of time before the sequel arrived. Introducing the Rose Queen, the next evolution of Sohimi’s massively popular ROSE suction toy. Also known as the Rose Toy Pro, this version keeps everything that was great about the original, while adding an insertable arm and vibrations for G-Spot stimulation. Plus, with a design that reinforces, rather than takes away from, its predecessor’s floral charm, this is one sequel I can get behind.


Review: Sohimi ROSE

Sohimi ROSE Standing

Over the last few months a new viral sensation has been making waves in all corners of the internet. No, I’m not talking about that SHEIN cross wrap tank or anything Lil Nas X puts out, but a sex toy. Somehow, despite all the odds (and the protests of our social media overlords), a small unassuming clitoral stimulator has managed to capture the hearts of users on TikTok, Instagram, and even Facebook! That toy is the ROSE, a product that no doubt originally gained its popularity through its impressive floral design, but has kept it due to its apparently amazing suction powers. Interestingly though, unlike other viral toys, such as the Fantasy For Her or the Geeky Sex Toys Down Under Donation Dildo, this one isn’t made by one retailer, but is rather a white-label product, meaning it is a design that can be ordered wholesale and rebranded by any company. As you’d imagine, this has meant that as the weeks have gone by and the demand has grown, the amount of brands claiming the ROSE as their own has grown exponentially… and so has the price tag. Today, however, I’ll be looking at Sohimi’s version, which is one of the cheaper options available, to see if there really is anything behind all this fuss.


Review: OSUGA Cuddly Bird

OSUGA Cuddly Bird

It goes without saying that aesthetics drive a large portion of our purchases, even if we might not want to admit it. But while choosing the cute phone case or the wine bottle with a happy dog on it over another one might not have a huge impact on its performance, the same logic sadly doesn’t usually follow over to sex toys. The immense amount of products within this industry paired with a complete lack of awareness about them by the general population is a dangerous combination, and is the reason why thousands of people continue to unknowingly risk their health every day by using toxic toys. Plus, without the usual means to advertise or promote items, companies need to think fast about how to make their toys stand out in a world that doesn’t want them. One such product is the OSUGA Cuddly Bird, a multi-award-winning clitoral stimulator that is not just adorable, but also doubles as a lamp to give it that extra touch. The question is, how much of this is a gimmick designed to capture people’s attention, and how much of it is actually a good quality sex toy?


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