For avid readers of my blog, you might recall the Tantus Vamp from my earlier review of it back in March last year. That review is one of my favourites, because I always felt like it was a turning point both for my blog and for my body. When I first purchased the Vamp I had no idea about any limitations I may have in my ability to enjoy sex toys. I was just starting out as a blogger, and I happily added the Vamp to my shopping cart during a sale of Tantus’s grab bags. Little did I know, that it would actually be too large in girth for my vagina to comfortably accommodate. I tried many times to be able to use it, as I had heard such great feedback from my fellow bloggers, until eventually I admitted defeat, and decided large toys just weren’t for me. I have come to accept that now, and it is one of the traits that makes my blog a little bit different from others. But I always wished I could enjoy the Tantus Vamp like so many others had. So, you only can imagine my excitement when I heard Tantus were releasing a new version of the Vamp, in their Super Soft silicone formula. It was a dream come true, and I quickly set my heart upon owning one. Thankfully, Peepshow Toys were kind enough to send one my way for review.