$60 – $100

Review: Womanizer X Lovehoney Pro40

Womanizer X Lovehoney Pro40

Let me take you on a journey… It’s 2015 and baby sex toy reviewer Grace has just made her blog and is starting to get a good understanding of the adult industry. But then something happens that sends shock waves throughout the reviewer community. An innovative new type of sex toy is released that boasts “suction” technology, from a brand with possibly the worst name ever. Everyone wanted to hate the Womanizer W100, not only because of the name, but also due to its horrendous design and outrageous price tag, but those who tested it found that it was actually surprisingly good. Then came along another company with the similarly stupid name of Satisfyer who copied this new technology, but by offering it for less and using better designs, they quickly became more popular than the original. Subsequently, in 2016 Womanizer clapped back with the release of their Pro40, which used a more stylish and budget-friendly version of their tech, evening the playing field and winning over hearts once more. These days suction toys are everywhere, but this is the original feud that catapulted the tech into what it is today, and the battle between these two brands continues. Yet as Satisfyer keep cutting costs while still somehow producing good quality products, Womanizer’s more luxury-style toys have seemed to fall behind once more, especially with the discontinuation of their popular Pro40. So when Lovehoney announced their collaboration with Womanizer to bring the Pro40 back a few weeks ago, you can imagine the fanfare it was met with.


Review: Hot Octopuss DiGiT

Hot Octopuss DiGiT

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I often feel like clitoral vibrators are the most boring of all the sex toys. Don’t get me wrong, I love them, and if I was forced to give up every sex toy type but one, I’d probably keep them over everything else. But, whereas G-Spot vibrators, wand massagers, and dildos come in all shapes and sizes, clitoral vibrators are generally all the same. Even when they look special and different, like my recent review of the Blush Novelties The Collection Sweet Bunny, they are still essentially the same underneath it all. I’ve also found them to be the most temperamental of all sex toys, as my two favourite clit vibes, the We-Vibe Tango and Nu Sensuelle Point, are both faulty and barely work most of the time. I am in desperate need for a new good quality vibe that won’t break on me, is that really too much to ask? Apparently so, as my cries about this have gone unanswered for a long time. That is, until now, with Hot Octopuss’s brand new clitoral vibrator, which is aiming to be one of the best yet.


Review: Satisfyer Pro G-Spot Rabbit

Satisfyer Pro G-Spot Rabbit

I don’t think I’ve ever doubted a sex toy more than with the Satisfyer Pro G-Spot Rabbit (also known as the Satisfyer Pro + G-Spot), as soon as I saw it I thought it was a bad idea. I’m automatically suspicious of all rabbit style vibrators, because it can be so hard to find one that will actually suit your body. Companies who make them seem to assume the distance between the clitoris and vaginal opening, and if you don’t fit into that measurement, or the small window of flexibility that some offer, then you’re probably going to be down a hundred bucks and left with a vibrator you can’t use. Certainly if you find one that does suit your body then they can be amazing, and I have actually had some pretty good luck with the rabbit style vibes I have tried so far, but as a blogger I feel unprofessional recommending toys that I know probably won’t work for a lot of people, even if it does work for me. Then bring Satisfyer’s suction-style toys into the picture, a range of products that I have trouble placing on my clitoris when it’s the only thing I have to do… yeah, that doesn’t sound like the best match. But, Satisfyer do seem to continually prove me wrong and have produced nothing but astounding toys so far, so I thought I should at least give them some credit and try out their latest innovation, who knows, maybe it’ll surprise me.


Review: Satisfyer Pro Plus Vibration

Satisfyer Pro Plus Vibration

This is my third review of a Satisfyer toy, and since I absolutely adored the last two, I have very high expectations. While there was no actual functional difference between my other two versions, the Satisfyer Pro 2 and Satisfyer Pro Penguin Next Generation, it was all the little improvements, such as more intuitive buttons, less noise, and a larger nozzle, that made the Pro Penguin feel on a whole other level. But while my new model, the Satisfyer Pro Plus Vibration (also known as the Satisfyer Pro 1+), has similar little fixes, it also features a whole other function. Can you guess what it is (hint: it’s in the name)? That’s right, this is a Satisfyer toy that can also vibrate! It seems like such an obvious and simple improvement, but I never even considered it prior to hearing about this toy. It also sounds amazing, and so I instantly knew I had to get my hands on one of these. Thankfully Nikki Darling were kind enough to send one my way, so let’s see if it’s as good as it sounds!


Review: Dame Fin

Dame Fin

I love seeing sex toys being talked about in the mainstream media, and if there is one company that is superb at getting attention from media that would usually see sex toys as taboo, it is Dame Products. It’s no surprise, their branding is that of a minimalist and trendy gadget start-up for millennials rather than a sex toy, and quite frankly it is refreshing to see. Their second product Fin, that I am reviewing today, broke records as the first ever sex toy campaign on Kickstarter, and brought in almost $400,000 worth of pledges, despite only having a $50,000 goal. This immediately told me that this toy was going to be a big deal. Since I never tried their first product, Eva, which had a similar crowdfunding success, I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect. But I did remember hearing that it wasn’t all that great. The Fin’s Kickstarter video looked so good though that I truly believed it would finally cement Dame as a quality sex toy manufacturer. But, then I read this interview, where the product designer states their ‘research‘ of sex toys is based on their purchases from Amazon…. and it all went downhill from there.


Review: Geeky Sex Toys R2-V2 Wand

Geeky Sex Toys R2-V2 Wand

In January I got the pleasure of reviewing Geeky Sex Toy’s fabulous Laser Sword dildo, which is based on a Lightsaber out of the Star Wars universe as part of their Star Toys range. I was so pleased to see my geeky reader’s reactions to such a unique toy, especially since, as my review states, it is far more than just a novelty piece for the Star Wars lover, but instead a great quality dildo that can stand up on its own against the rest of my collection. So this month I’m excited to be reviewing their R2-V2 Vibrating Wand which is part of the same Star Toys range. This toy, if you couldn’t tell straight away, is based off the loveable character R2-D2 from the Star Wars series and when I first saw it I literally lol’d. I’m a big wand massager fan and they are the most used toys in my collection, so this was a product I needed to have. I was lucky enough for the wonderful guys over at from Geeky Sex Toys to hook me up to help fuel my obsession of their products.


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