Another year has come and gone, and while I know we all have a lot to say about 2021, at least we got some damn good sex toys out of it! From new trends to remakes of classics, not much can stop the sex industry, including a global pandemic it would seem, and nothing has quite reaffirmed my choice to do this kind of work like the last two years. Of course, working on my annual Top 10 Sex Toys Of The Year always gets me feeling this way, as giving myself the time and space for the reflection that it brings has become one of my favourite yearly rituals. So, as difficult as choosing favourites always is, getting to take stock and really think about which toys I not only reviewed positively at the time, but continue to love and use, is always worth it. As usual, alongside the toy countdown I’ve also provided my yearly wrap-up here, and as you’ll read, 2022 is already looking like it’s going to be a cracker. But for now, sit back and relax as I revisit 2021, look at what’s ahead in 2022, and share my Top 10 Sex Toys of 2021 with you all.
