
Top 10 Sex Toys of 2022

Top 10 Sex Toys of 2022

While 2022 has been another strange year to be a human being, it’s yet again been a terrific time for sex toys. The flourishing industry, which is rapidly growing and projected to be worth USD $62.32 billion by 2030, is an exciting place to be right now, and accordingly I reviewed more products over the last 12 months than ever before. But as much fun as I’ve had, the downside always comes this time of year when I have to choose which lucky few will make it on my annual Top 10 Sex Toys Of The Year. Looking back at the countless orgasms I’ve had (and I’ve helped others have) thanks to my line of work does perk me back up, of course, as does reflecting on the advances to sex toys that are made each year, not just from a technological and quality standpoint, but in regards to accessibility as well, to ensure everyone has the same right to enjoy these amazing products. So, without further ado, sit back as I revisit 2022, look at what’s ahead in 2023, and share my Top 10 Sex Toys of 2022 with you all.


Beginner’s Guide To Sex Toys

Beginner’s Guide To Sex Toys

After spending the last few months updating Princess Previews, I’ve had plenty of time to think about the direction I want to head in the future. While reviews are my bread and butter, I also want this to be a hub for all kinds of resources and education about sex toys. But while my guides are some of my most popular posts, and I regularly write them for other websites, I surprisingly have very few of them here. So I resolved to fix that, but the only question was, where did I start? There’s so many things to talk about when it comes to this industry, from choosing your first toy and ethical brands, to the different kinds of orgasms and lube. It seemed, however, the best place to start was at the very beginning, so that’s why today I’m sharing my Beginner’s Guide To Sex Toys.


5 Inside Tips For Camming Success

5 Inside Tips For Camming Success

In case you didn’t know, I was a webcam performer for years before I started reviewing sex toys professionally. Not only was it a great source of income for an 18-year-old me who had just moved out of home, but it was damn fun. In fact, when I started it was simply because of how much I enjoyed the attention and creative outlets it provided, and only later did I start to think of it as work. But make no mistake, whilst camming can often be seen as some kind of get-rich-quick scheme, being successful takes a lot of effort, and that’s something I learned the hard way. With a million fantastic guides out there already on how to get started with camming though, I wanted to do things a little differently in order to share my experiences. So rather than writing another beginners how-to today, I instead thought I’d tell you how I took my webcamming to the next level with my 5 Inside Tips For Camming Success.


Top 10 Sex Toys of 2021

Another year has come and gone, and while I know we all have a lot to say about 2021, at least we got some damn good sex toys out of it! From new trends to remakes of classics, not much can stop the sex industry, including a global pandemic it would seem, and nothing has quite reaffirmed my choice to do this kind of work like the last two years. Of course, working on my annual Top 10 Sex Toys Of The Year always gets me feeling this way, as giving myself the time and space for the reflection that it brings has become one of my favourite yearly rituals. So, as difficult as choosing favourites always is, getting to take stock and really think about which toys I not only reviewed positively at the time, but continue to love and use, is always worth it. As usual, alongside the toy countdown I’ve also provided my yearly wrap-up here, and as you’ll read, 2022 is already looking like it’s going to be a cracker. But for now, sit back and relax as I revisit 2021, look at what’s ahead in 2022, and share my Top 10 Sex Toys of 2021 with you all.


Top 10 Sex Toys of 2020

Top 10 Sex Toys of 2020

2020 is finally over, and thank FUCK. But before we start “thriving” in 2021 (who am I kidding, it’s already gone to shit), I have one last thing to do! My annual Top 10 Sex Toys Of The Year is a chance for me to look back on all of the products I’ve tested and reviewed over the past 12 months and reflect on those that I not only rated positively at the time, but that I’m still enjoying today. In the five years I’ve been doing this it has become a much-loved end-of-year ritual for me, although this time it had far greater meaning and provided much needed closure on a year that took so much, reminding me that even amongst all the bad there were still moments of joy to be found. At times when things all seemed too much last year, sex toys were one of the few things that helped me through, and it’s my pleasure to be able to share with you those that made the biggest impact. Due to all this I feel that this is perhaps the best Top 10 I’ve done, or at least the one with the most meaning. So, get ready as I attempt to take stock of 2020, look at what’s ahead in 2021, and share my Top 10 Sex Toys of 2020.


5 Ways to Maintain Your Sex Life During COVID-19

5 Ways to Maintain Your Sex Life During COVID-19

Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt personally victimised by 2020… In fact, it’s hard to imagine anyone that has been unaffected by COVID-19 at this point, and as much as things are slowly starting to improve, I fear we still have a long way to go. Out of everything, the loss of experiences, whether it’s simply going to the pub or going away on that trip you’d planned, is what has seemed to hit people the most. But while those disappointments are easy to express and vocalise, I believe what we’re really missing is human connection and touch. Whether you have partners you’re isolating away from or not, intimacy is something that almost everyone craves, and often it is not just to fulfill sexual desires, but to create and maintain that deeper connection with those that you love. So, how do you achieve that when you’re apart? Well, there’s a lot more to it than just dick pics and phone sex, and so if you’re looking to step up your iso sex game then read on as I list my 5 Ways To Maintain Your Sex Life During COVID-19.


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