Charging Stand

Review: Xcitme Sym-B Sensual Collection

Xcitme Sym-B Sensual Collection

Versatility is one of the most sought-after and important traits for a sex toy, yet it’s something that continues to seem out of reach for a lot of companies. Whether it’s creating a single toy with multiple uses, such as the MysteryVibe Crescendo or ZALO Amorette, supplements for an existing product, such as the We-Vibe Wand’s attachments or the Uberrime Tentare Tentacle, or a modular toy that can be adapted for alternative uses, such as the Ooh by Je Joue, in my experience these products generally never seem to live up to the lofty claims of their advertising. Out everything I just touched on, however, modular design is the only type that I haven’t personally reviewed before, but it is something I’ve always liked the sound of. I still remember how excited I was when the Ooh by Je Joue first came out in 2015, and how obsessed I was with the idea of being able to buy just one base product and then mix-and-match the attachments I wanted. Which is why it was so upsetting when I finally tested it out at a convention and found that the core toy’s vibrations barely transferred through the modular pieces. As such, when I was recently contacted by Xcitme about their new modular product, the Sym-B, I was both cautious and intrigued. The thing that ultimately made me accept it for review, however, was that unlike the Ooh by Je Joue and similar products, the Sym-B’s attachments have their own motors, which is a game-changer.


Review: Nu Sensuelle Point Bullet

Nu Sensuelle Point

I’ve seen the Nu Sensuelle Point around for awhile, and it has always peaked my interest. If you know your sex toys, you’ll probably notice that while this is essentially just a generic bullet style clit vibrator, it also looks a hell of a lot like the We-Vibe Tango, which just so happens to be one of my all time favourite sex toys. The perks of the Nu Sensuelle Point over the Tango though? Well, it is cheaper, it has more functions, it has a charging stand (instead of the Tango’s frustratingly bad magnetic charger), and it is designed in Australia (you know I love supporting local manufacturers and retailers). Plus, I’ve heard from other bloggers that its vibrations are pretty good too, so it has definitely been on my watch list for review items, especially since I always love to find cheaper and local alternatives to toys for recommendation. So when Femplay, one of my blog sponsors, recently offered me a few toys to review and I noticed the Nu Sensuelle Point on the list, I knew I just had to give it a go.


Review: Zumio X


Usually when I first get offered a product for review I have a basic idea of how much I’m going to like it. A big reason for this is if I’ve read other blogger’s reviews of the same item, but what about when it’s a brand new product? Well, I can usually get an idea either from the manufacturer (do they have a good track record of other products?), or the type of toy (is it a style that I usually enjoy?). There are rare exceptions to this rule however, such as when brand new companies come out with innovative new toys I’ve never even considered before, such as when Womanizer first released their clitoral suction toy. I would have never guessed how big they would become if I had been reviewing for them back then. So, when JOUJOU approached me about reviewing the Zumio X, a completely new style of toy from a brand new company, it felt like Womanizer all over again and I had no idea what to expect. Now, full disclosure, when I first saw it I literally lol’d and straight up told JOUJOU I didn’t think it would work. But, being ever curious I accepted it anyway because I just had to find out more, and as always, I hoped to be proven wrong.


Review: SenseMax SenseVibe Warm

SenseMax SenseVibe Warm

I have been buying sex toys for four years now and reviewing them for two, but I have always avoided any toys that combined clitoral and vaginal stimulation. I love the idea of them and they certainly are popular, but I have read far too many negative reviews where the clitoral arm does not sit properly on the user’s clitoris, and that wasn’t a risk I wanted to take. Even since I have been reviewing and getting toys for free I have still avoided them because I feel they are just too subjective of a toy to be able to properly recommend to my readers. The adjustable MysteryVibe Crescendo, which I reviewed earlier in the year, was the closest I’ve come to one of these toys so far, however even that didn’t work out and I was left with a motor that was too high up to reach my clit, putting me off the idea even more. But I know it is a big part of the sex toy world that both myself and my blog are missing out on, so when I was approached by SenseMax to review the SenseVibe Warm recently I decided it was finally time to face my fears and try out my first dual stimulation toy.


Review: MysteryVibe Crescendo

MysteryVibe Crescendo

It is not often a sex toy gains the amount of popularity that the MysteryVibe Crescendo achieved before it was even released. What started as a crowd funding campaign in 2005, the Crescendo quickly became seen as the next big thing in sex toys by both bloggers and the sex-positive general public alike. The idea of a bendable sex toy with six motors instantly made headlines, and its innovative design of a gender neutral and fully customisable vibrator that could be adjusted to suit the user’s preferences was much welcomed and endorsed by sex bloggers, including me. Plus, combined with its app and six motors (yes, that wasn’t a typo) you can even customise and design your own vibration styles and patterns. The seemingly only downside to the toy was its material, which was TPE, but they have now changed this to wonderful body-safe silicone, making what seemed like a already pretty perfect toy even better!


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