
Review: SVAKOM Siren


As a reviewer I am always on the lookout for the next big thing, so that makes it really exciting when companies innovate and create new and interesting looking toys. Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy testing old faithfuls such as G-Spot vibrators and dildos, but with those I have a pretty good idea of what to expect and how much I’ll enjoy something. With new toy designs however, it is a bit of journey into the unknown. Things could end up really really good, or really really bad, and I am venturing forth solo to uncover that truth. Then in comes SVAKOM, who are by no means a new brand in this industry, but up until last year I’ve never had any interest in trying out their generally unoriginal toy designs. What changed for me was the release of the SVAKOM Nymph, which caught the eye of many bloggers not only because of its unique design, but because of the weirdness of it. Since I wasn’t reviewing much last year due to poor health I didn’t end up getting one, but this year when SVAKOM announced their follow-up toy to the Nymph, the SVAKOM Siren, I was all over it. Luckily for me SVAKOM were kind enough to send both the Nymph and Siren out for review, so while this post focuses on the Siren, look out for my Nymph review coming soon!


Review: Blush Novelties The Collection Sweet Bunny

Blush Novelties The Collection Sweet Bunny

At this point in my sexual journey I am pretty good at picking out adult toys that I am going to like. I know what brands and retailers I can trust to provide good quality products, and I know what types of toys I enjoy. In fact, I know what sub-types of toys I enjoy, and what sub-types of those sub-types I enjoy. When you’re a reviewer you have to analyse each product you try, which lets you pick up on things that most people wouldn’t even notice, and in turn you really get to understand your preferences when it comes to your own sexual pleasure. So, due to all this I’m usually pretty careful when choosing toys. But there is just one thing that always ruins this otherwise foolproof plan for me… One thing that I just can’t resist! Cute toys. And Blush Novelties’ new Sweet Bunny Classic Slim Vibe from their The Collection range is one of the cutest I’ve seen for awhile.


Review: Uberrime Ripley Alien

Uberrime Ripley Alien

For someone who is as geeky as me, I’m sure you’d imagine I have a full range of fantasy toys from all my favourite mythical creatures. Well, I do in my dreams… But in reality? Not so much. More than once on the blog I’ve announced that I was going to put more focus on reviewing fantasy dildos (including a few months ago in my Top 10 Toys of 2018 list), but this is always far easier said than done. Fantasy toys typically come in two categories: those made by Bad Dragon, a big company with an even bigger fan-base that often dominates the market, or those made by indie artisans. I’ve tried working with Bad Dragon before to little success, and indie makers often don’t have the funds to send out free review products (let alone ship them to Australia). But today, thanks to retailer SheVibe, I am finally writing my first ever fantasy toy review on the Uberrime Ripley Alien!


Mini Review: Lovehoney Oh! Bath Bomb

Lovehoney Oh! Bath Bomb and Box

It’s been a few years now since I’ve written a ‘Mini Review’ for the blog, a category previously reserved for Toy Cleaners. But recently I’ve acquired a few items as gifts, that while I’m under no obligation to write about and that aren’t even really substantial enough as a product to give a regular review to, I still want to share my thoughts on. As such, Mini Reviews are probably something that will become a bit more regular on the blog now! First up is a product I received from Lovehoney recently to celebrate Sexual Happiness Week, the Lovehoney Oh! Bath Bomb.


Review: Paloqueth Dolphin Vibrator

Paloqueth Dolphin Vibrator and Remote Control

The first sex toy I ever took notice of was the original We-Vibe couples vibrator, which has now been followed up by toys like the We-Vibe Chorus. Even though this was back when I was in high school, I remember it being a big deal and watching the toy break through into the mainstream (or as mainstream as a sex toy can be). I enthusiastically told all my friends how much I loved the idea of it, and tried very hard to win one when I attended my first ever sex convention that year. Despite then going on to work in the sex industry and review toys professionally, I still never got the opportunity to review that infamous style of toy that started it all for me. It certainly hasn’t been without me trying though, as numerous times I’ve had offers to review a couples vibe only for it to fall through. But here I am, finally, after all these years, with my first ever couples vibrator. It may not be a We-Vibe, but I was ridiculously excited to try out the Paloqueth Dolphin anyway.


Review: Hot Octopuss Queen Bee

Hot Octopuss Queen Bee

The Hot Octopuss Queen Bee is one of those toys that everyone knew about and wanted when it was released. The UK brand is known for their innovative penis-oriented pleasure products, so when they announced they were working on a toy for the clitoris, it was a big deal. Not just for sex toy reviewers like me either, as Hot Octopuss have a fantastic marketing team that had even the general public literally lining up to try this toy. Just the PR for this product was so good that it beat out McDonalds for an award on it, which I can’t imagine is an easy feat. But when the toy was finally released into the hands of reviewers… the thoughts were, well, mixed. I’ve heard fantastic things and I’ve heard not-so-fantastic things about this product. But that only made me want it more, how could a product have so many different opinions? Due to all this I was super excited when Hot Octopuss got in contact with me recently to review it for them.


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