I spend a lot of time at the blog talking about the flourishing independent dildo maker scene happening in Australia and New Zealand right now. In fact, I even did a full round-up all about the various local small businesses that have recently started selling their own lubricants. But one of the things I haven’t discussed nearly enough is the exciting range of vibrators currently being produced down under. Stores such as Frenchie, LBDO, Normal and Vacation Vibes are just some of the brands leading the charge in Australia right now, whilst across the pond we have Wellington success story Share Satisfaction. I remember watching as their flagship product, Kama, became one of the country’s best-selling sex toys in 2020 and 2021, and since then I’ve been eager to get my hands on their products to try. So when they recently reached out and asked if I would like to review their Coco, it was an instant yes!