
Review: Satisfyer Pro 2 Next Generation

Satisfyer Pro 2

Welcome to Princess Previews 2.0! If you’re a regular here, you might notice things look a little different. That’s because for the last few weeks I’ve been slowly redesigning my blog to better represent myself and what I do here, and this is my first post since making the switch! Part of this update meant taking a photo of myself that I could use both on my sidebar and as a profile picture on social media, and for such an image I knew I wanted to include a sex toy. The question was: which toy did I choose? I’ve now reviewed over two hundred items at the blog, and that’s only one portion of my actual collection. But I knew that whatever I chose had to be both loved by me (it is quite a endorsement, after all!) and easily identifiable. So when I was scrolling through real estate TikTok (don’t judge me) and saw the iconic Satisfyer Pro 2 briefly appear unnamed in a video, yet all the comments were talking about it, I knew I had my toy. Interestingly, though, while my review of the original Pro 2 remains one of my most popular ever, I never actually reviewed any of its later iterations, commonly dubbed the “Next Generation”. So, six years later, I figured it was finally time!


Review: Womanizer Premium 2

Womanizer Premium 2

Unlike most other major toy manufacturers, luxury clitoral stimulator brand Womanizer only offers a small catalogue of products. The five core designs, whose differences mostly relate to their increasing price tags, are the Starlet, Liberty, Classic, Premium and DUO, and while I have tried all of them, I have reviewed only three so far. Without a doubt, however, my favourite is the Womanizer Premium. In fact, it’s not just my favourite Womanizer, but my favourite suction toy in general, and my second favourite toy of all time (just behind the Magic Wand Rechargeable). So when I heard the German brand was upgrading three of their designs and the Premium was one of them, I was all in. Keeping it simple with the addition of a quick version number, the new models are the Starlet 3, Classic 2, and Premium 2, with their older versions since being discontinued (although there is still plenty around to buy and with most stores offering them at a discount!). As for the differences, in addition to new colours and updated branding (including more sustainable packaging!), Womanizer have also up the ante with their suction levels, which suggests updates for the Liberty and DUO might not be far away either.


Review: Satisfyer Dual Love & Dual Pleasure

Satisfyer Dual Love & Dual Pleasure

From the moment I tried the legendary Pro 2 back in 2016, Satisfyer, and their groundbreaking suction technology, became one of my all time favourite brands. For years this continued, with each Satisfyer being somehow better than the last, until finally culminating in 2019’s Satisfyer Luxury, their most ambitious (and expensive!) toy yet, whose powerful clitoral stimulation made it more than worth the price tag. But after this, things started to change. Satisfyer rebranded, switching their previously luxury feel to one more aimed at newcomers, and begun to release a wide range of products (ending their suction specialisation) at much lower prices than before. Cautiously pessimistic, I held back on reviewing for them for some time after that, until finally I broke my silence when I tried their first app compatible toys, the Curvy 1+ & 2+, around this time last year. With the pair all but confirming my fears about the declining standards of the brand however, it wasn’t the return to Satisfyer I had hoped. So when Betty’s Toy Box recently contacted me about trying the Curvy’s successors, the Dual Pleasure and Dual Love, it seemed only fair to give the brand I once loved so much a second chance.


Review: Womanizer Liberty

Womanizer Liberty By Lily Allen

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but my only two reviews of Womanizer’s core products so far have been of their most expensive items. As great as this has been (in a best orgasms of my life” kinda way), I worry it has given me a false sense of how good their products really are, and it’s also been hard to recommend such pricey items to people, especially when I know full well that without this blog I wouldn’t be able to afford them either. So, it’s because of this that lately I’ve been eyeing the rest of Womanizer’s somewhat small range, particularly their most affordable offerings (which are still really mid-range in terms of price) the Starlet 2 and Liberty. I wasn’t fully set on which I’d prefer, but whilst in the process of finding a company to partner with for the review, something major happened. Womanizer announced they’d teamed up legendary singer Lily Allen to bring out a very special edition of the Liberty… and that’s when I knew I had to have it.


Review: Satisfyer Curvy 1+ & 2+

Satisfyer Curvy 1+ and 2+

When suction toys were first announced, I couldn’t help but be sceptical. But as soon as I tried my first one, I knew it was something special, and since then they’ve just kept on getting better and better. Never before has a type of sex toy so consistently raised the bar year after year, somehow finding new ways to improve upon things that I had already deemed perfect (and really messing with my ratings system). Something else about these toys that has raised over the last few years, however, is the price …at least it has on my blog. That’s right, while suction toys still come in a huge range of prices, my personal love for them has seen me requesting more and more costly options lately, with the culmination of that being my recent review on the Womanizer DUO, a $330 AUD product that (as far as I know) is currently the most expensive stimulator on the market. But while trying these luxury products has been fun (particularly for me), I also want to be able to promote and recommend products that the average person can consider purchasing, and that is not the DUO. So today I am finally breaking my streak and taking a look at two of Satisfyer’s brand new mid-range products, the Curvy 1+ and Curvy 2+.


Review: Womanizer DUO

Womanizer DUO

It’s no secret that the last few months have been quite difficult, and if I’m being completely honest… I’m still not ready to accept that it’s no longer March. But there are a few things in my life that I’ve been able to turn to during the worst moments to feel a little bit of happiness, and some of those things have been sex toys. Three products in particular have been brightening my mood lately, with each lending itself to different situations. There is the Magic Wand Rechargeable, which works either solo or with my partner as an easy way to achieve a quick but satisfying orgasm, the Dame Kip, which helps me to have some amazing orgasms during PIV sex with my partner, and lastly the Womanizer Premium, a truly breathtaking solo-play toy which has quickly become my personal favourite. In fact, whilst it’s only been a few months since I originally reviewed the Premium, it feels like forever, and I think I’ve already had more orgasms with this toy than most people do in a lifetime. So, when Womanizer recently reached out to me and asked if I wanted to try their DUO, which is essentially an upgraded version of the Premium, it was just about the best thing that’s happened to me in months. (more…)

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