Review: Xcitme Sym-B Sensual Collection

Xcitme Sym-B Sensual Collection

Versatility is one of the most sought-after and important traits for a sex toy, yet it’s something that continues to seem out of reach for a lot of companies. Whether it’s creating a single toy with multiple uses, such as the MysteryVibe Crescendo or ZALO Amorette, supplements for an existing product, such as the We-Vibe Wand’s attachments or the Uberrime Tentare Tentacle, or a modular toy that can be adapted for alternative uses, such as the Ooh by Je Joue, in my experience these products generally never seem to live up to the lofty claims of their advertising. Out everything I just touched on, however, modular design is the only type that I haven’t personally reviewed before, but it is something I’ve always liked the sound of. I still remember how excited I was when the Ooh by Je Joue first came out in 2015, and how obsessed I was with the idea of being able to buy just one base product and then mix-and-match the attachments I wanted. Which is why it was so upsetting when I finally tested it out at a convention and found that the core toy’s vibrations barely transferred through the modular pieces. As such, when I was recently contacted by Xcitme about their new modular product, the Sym-B, I was both cautious and intrigued. The thing that ultimately made me accept it for review, however, was that unlike the Ooh by Je Joue and similar products, the Sym-B’s attachments have their own motors, which is a game-changer.


Review: Cosmopolitan Enchantment Bullet

Cosmopolitan Enchantment Bullet

After a lovely break over the last few weeks I’m feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to get back to reviewing! So to kick things off I thought we’d take a look at a toy I teased a fair bit last year and that is the follow-up to my previous review featuring the Cosmopolitan G-Spot Romance. That’s right, it’s finally time for my review of the Cosmopolitan Enchantment Bullet, the second toy from the popular magazine’s new range that My Little Secret were kind enough to send me recently. Now, I quite enjoyed the G-Spot Romance, but the biggest issue I faced with it was that I felt its luxury price tag did not reflect what was essentially a very basic vibrator. The Enchantment Bullet on the other hand is a lot more reasonable, as with a price of $59.95 AUD / $42 USD this toy costs about the same, if not less, as a lot of other bullet vibrators of its kind. Still, after my review of the G-Spot Romance I couldn’t help but feel less than confident with the Cosmopolitan range, but that just made me even more eager to try out the Enchantment Bullet to see if it would be able to help renew my excitement for this brand. (more…)

Review: Uberrime Tentare Tentacle

Uberrime Tentare Tentacle

It’s finally time for the last review of 2019 (and the decade!), and I’ve made sure to save the best till last. The Uberrime Tentare Tentacle is a product I’ve been dying to try all year, so I’m super excited to finally have my hands on it and be sharing my thoughts with you all today. Now, I’ve got to admit, the first time I saw this toy I thought it was a dildo. So despite how amazing it looked, my mind instantly assumed that due to its stubby dimensions it must be quite large, which probably wouldn’t work for my body. But I couldn’t get its unique design out of my head, so after I successfully tested the Uberrime Ripley Alien earlier this year I went back to it and actually read the product listing. Turns out it’s not a dildo at all (although it can still be used as one), but actually a sleeve for bullet vibrators such as the We-Vibe Tango. Well, as soon as I read that I knew I had to have one, but with so many other beautiful Uberrime toys to choose from it still took me awhile to get round to requesting it. When it was time to choose a product to wrap up the year with however, I knew exactly what I wanted it to be.


Review: Blush Novelties Aria Flutter Tongue

Blush Novelties Aria Flutter Tongue

My favourite new sex toy trend this year, and it seems the entire internet’s, has to be the flicky tongue-like stimulators that appear to keep popping up out of nowhere. It seemed to all start with the Zumio back in 2017, which ZALO then put their spin on by making the moving element more like a silicone tongue. Since then I’ve seen countless other companies implementing this same idea for their own toys, with some going so far as to make the “tongue” literally move back and forth, and others just using vibrations to give the appearance of movement. These sorts of oral-sex imitators aren’t entirely new, but the renewed public interest has certainly been encouraging companies to develop new and exciting tech for it, which seems to go hand in hand with creating even wackier designs than usual. Two toys that have gone viral this year because of their hilarious looking (but also oddly seductive) flapping tongues are the Pipedream Fantasy for Her Ultimate Pleasure and the Blush Novelties Aria Flutter Tongue. So I knew I wouldn’t be doing my duty as a sex toy reviewer if I didn’t try at least one of them before the end of the year, and since Pipedream is on my blacklist, it had to be the Aria Flutter Tongue!


Review: Dame Kip

Dame Kip

On August 9th 2019 at approximately 6:58pm my We-Vibe Tango was pronounced dead after finally losing its long battle with battery failure. It was a truly sad day, as even though I knew the end was near I still wasn’t quite ready for it, because I had yet to find a successor. The Nu Sensuelle Point was the obvious choice, and as my second favourite bullet vibrator it was more than worthy of taking over the Tango’s work. But it had health issues of its own to contend with, this time in the form of the buttons struggling to respond. So, instead, I put my hope in a new toy, the Hot Octopuss DiGiT, but despite strong vibrations I couldn’t help but feel its use was limited due to the restrictive finger band. As such it’s been a pretty dark time for me since then, but I got through it knowing that one day I would find a worthy replacement. So, when I heard whispers about an amazing new clit vibe I thought perhaps my time had finally come. At least I did until I heard who was making it… Dame Products.


Review: Cosmopolitan G-Spot Romance

Cosmopolitan G-Spot Romance

While they still might not accepted by websites like Facebook and Instagram, sex toys have certainly ditched a lot of their associated stigma over the last few years. They’ve gone from something that was incredibly private, to something that now many people are not only happy to express a desire for, but to also admit that they own. Plus, what could originally only be purchased from shady looking stores where companies would seek to take advantage of customers by selling them products made with unsafe materials, can now be bought in the comfort of your own home on inclusive websites that promote and educate about body-safe options. As with anything that becomes popular however, it has meant that now even previously established brands are looking to cash in on it. I spoke a lot about this recently in my Future of Sex Toys post, and it’s something I believe we’re only seeing the beginning of. It’s an idea that has intrigued me though, as despite their inexperience in this industry, brands do have a reputation to keep up and thus incentive to create high quality products. So, when My Little Secret contacted me recently and asked if I wanted to review Cosmopolitan’s new range of toys, starting with their G-Spot Romance, I couldn’t resist.


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