Review: Magic Wand Mini

Magic Wand MiniAs with all things in life, it can often be hard to recognise change and progress when it’s part of your day-to-day. But every now and then something comes along that gives you that moment of realisation of just how far things have come, and that’s what today’s review item did for me. You see, when I first turned eighteen and decided to buy a sex toy, I scoured the interwebs for the perfect product. I wanted something with power, but at the same time didn’t have much money and needed it to be discreet. Being fond of clitoral stimulation, a wand massager was the ideal choice, but the options available were… less than ideal. After many failed attempts with mini versions, whose smaller size better suited my privacy needs at the time, I was eventually able to fork out for a Magic Wand Rechargeable, which clearly worked since it remains my favourite sex toy to this day. Still, I can only imagine how much easier things would have been for myself and others if a toy like the Magic Wand Mini had existed back then.


Review: Satisfyer Pro 2 Next Generation

Satisfyer Pro 2

Welcome to Princess Previews 2.0! If you’re a regular here, you might notice things look a little different. That’s because for the last few weeks I’ve been slowly redesigning my blog to better represent myself and what I do here, and this is my first post since making the switch! Part of this update meant taking a photo of myself that I could use both on my sidebar and as a profile picture on social media, and for such an image I knew I wanted to include a sex toy. The question was: which toy did I choose? I’ve now reviewed over two hundred items at the blog, and that’s only one portion of my actual collection. But I knew that whatever I chose had to be both loved by me (it is quite a endorsement, after all!) and easily identifiable. So when I was scrolling through real estate TikTok (don’t judge me) and saw the iconic Satisfyer Pro 2 briefly appear unnamed in a video, yet all the comments were talking about it, I knew I had my toy. Interestingly, though, while my review of the original Pro 2 remains one of my most popular ever, I never actually reviewed any of its later iterations, commonly dubbed the “Next Generation”. So, six years later, I figured it was finally time!


Review: Womanizer Premium 2

Womanizer Premium 2

Unlike most other major toy manufacturers, luxury clitoral stimulator brand Womanizer only offers a small catalogue of products. The five core designs, whose differences mostly relate to their increasing price tags, are the Starlet, Liberty, Classic, Premium and DUO, and while I have tried all of them, I have reviewed only three so far. Without a doubt, however, my favourite is the Womanizer Premium. In fact, it’s not just my favourite Womanizer, but my favourite suction toy in general, and my second favourite toy of all time (just behind the Magic Wand Rechargeable). So when I heard the German brand was upgrading three of their designs and the Premium was one of them, I was all in. Keeping it simple with the addition of a quick version number, the new models are the Starlet 3, Classic 2, and Premium 2, with their older versions since being discontinued (although there is still plenty around to buy and with most stores offering them at a discount!). As for the differences, in addition to new colours and updated branding (including more sustainable packaging!), Womanizer have also up the ante with their suction levels, which suggests updates for the Liberty and DUO might not be far away either.


Review: Momotaro Apotheca Salve

Momotaro Apotheca Salve

You know how they say bad things happen for a reason? Well I don’t really believe that, but I do have one such example. I had just turned 18 and a month after my birthday was Melbourne’s biannual sex convention. I knew next to nothing about sex toys, asides from the fact that I wanted them, and embarrassingly picked out a few options from a popular “$10 or less” stand. I saved them for an upcoming trip away with my ex and was so excited to try them out on that first night, yet as soon as I did I felt some of the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. It felt like my vagina was literally on fire, but being young and in an unfamiliar area, we didn’t seek help. At the time I thought it must be my problem, and I continued thinking that way until I finally decided I needed answers. I learned about the dangers of unsafe sex toys and how my experience was extremely common yet unspoken. With that, I knew I wanted to dedicate myself to helping to spread awareness, and shortly after I started Princess Previews.


Review: Closetplay Speedster

Closetplay Speedster

In October 2021 the sex toy world suffered a huge loss. Geeky Sex Toys, Australia’s first (and, for a long time, only) independent maker of silicone toys, closed their virtual doors. Pioneers of the fantasy genre, they introduced the idea of mixing pop culture with sex toys for all us “naughty nerds” out there, and as it turned out, there were a lot of us. But while they might have been the first to bring us the lightsaber dildo and Pikachu butt plug, they certainly won’t be the last. Many retailers, from other indie makers such as Deep N’ Geek to big brands like The Realm by Blush Novelties, have taken inspiration from Geeky Sex Toys over the years. However, I don’t think any have quite captured their almost chaotic creativity quite like newcomer Closetplay Sex Toys.


5 Inside Tips For Camming Success

5 Inside Tips For Camming Success

In case you didn’t know, I was a webcam performer for years before I started reviewing sex toys professionally. Not only was it a great source of income for an 18-year-old me who had just moved out of home, but it was damn fun. In fact, when I started it was simply because of how much I enjoyed the attention and creative outlets it provided, and only later did I start to think of it as work. But make no mistake, whilst camming can often be seen as some kind of get-rich-quick scheme, being successful takes a lot of effort, and that’s something I learned the hard way. With a million fantastic guides out there already on how to get started with camming though, I wanted to do things a little differently in order to share my experiences. So rather than writing another beginners how-to today, I instead thought I’d tell you how I took my webcamming to the next level with my 5 Inside Tips For Camming Success.


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