Clit Vibe

Review: YY Horse Mini Banana

YY Horse Banana

Every week I spend hours sorting through press releases and trade magazines to find the best and most exciting new sex toys to bring you reviews of. It’s how I end up finding gems like the Hot Octopuss KURVE and Lovehoney X Love Not War Amore despite them being barely off the manufacturing line, alongside warnings for products that didn’t quite work out before you risk spending your hard earned money on them. So that’s why when a retailer like Honeysx comes along and says I can choose anything from their store to review, I can’t help but want to put my feet up a little and review something purely for fun instead. And that is exactly what the YY Horse Mini Banana is all about. Going full form over function, YY Horse (which is the brand name, and no, I don’t know why) have created what looks to be a terrible sex toy. But with one of the most adorable designs ever, the Mini Banana has truly won my heart.


Review: We-Vibe Touch X

We-Vibe Touch X

There’s understandably been a lot of hype lately surrounding the We-Vibe Tango X, considering it’s the long-awaited upgrade to one of the most popular vibrators ever made. In fact, the expectations have been so high that when I reviewed it a few months ago, I was somewhat unimpressed, as while there wasn’t anything necessarily wrong with it, I just felt it wasn’t able to live up to its predecessor’s legacy. But while all eyes have been on the Tango X, another new We-Vibe product has quietly begun making waves of its own. The We-Vibe Touch has long been the lesser-known sister toy to the Tango, with the two of them being released together originally and for every upgrade since, including the latest X generation. Despite both being clitoral vibrators using the same powerful motor however, the two cater to complete opposite ends of the spectrum, with the thin and rigid ABS plastic of the Tango being ideal for pin-point stimulation, whilst the soft silicone and sculpted body of the Touch boasting broad vibrations. So, with the Tango not really doing it for me anymore, I figured now was the perfect time to finally get to know the Touch X, and JOUJOU agreed.


Review: We-Vibe Tango X

We-Vibe Tango X

When I first started reading sex blogs and toy reviews many years ago, there were a few products that would consistently be referenced across all of my favourite websites. They were things like the Njoy Pure Wand, Vixen Creations VixSkin Mustang, and Magic Wand Rechargeable, legendary toys that continue to maintain a cult following even today. But the main toy that I kept hearing about over and over again, regardless of what the actual review was about, was the versatile We-Vibe Tango. Widely regarded as the most powerful bullet vibrator on the market, it wasn’t long before I got one of my own and fell madly in love with it just like everyone else. A marvel of simplicity mixed with raw power, We-Vibe’s unrelenting lipstick-shaped ABS plastic was the perfect vessel for rumbly vibrations that were ahead of their time, and the fuss-free design complimented them perfectly. But it had a dark secret, with a battery life that was unable to meet the demand its users placed on it. I’ve spoken to people who have owned over ten Tangos in order to get their fix, but when mine died back in 2019, that was it for me, and eventually I found a replacement in the Dame Kip. Since then though I have been just wishing We-Vibe would fix this issue and re-release it, and so when JOUJOU got in touch recently to let me know that was exactly what was happening to celebrate the toy’s 10th birthday, I couldn’t have been happier.


Review: Bestvibe Brush Vibrator

Bestvibe Brush Vibrator

The first time I saw a facial cleansing brush I was sure it was a sex toy in disguise. In fact, even now I don’t think there is another product on the market that resembles a vibrator or suction toy quite as much in regards to both appearance and function as these so called “beauty products”. It looks like I’m not the only one who thinks so either, with facial cleansers since becoming one of the most popular types of DIY types of sex toys. After all, considering the biggest difference between the two is just how socially acceptable they are, you’d be foolish not to try it out and potentially get a fully discreet sex toy free of charge. So if anything I am surprised it has taken this long to see a company take advantage of the fact and attempt to blend the two into one product, and that is exactly what Bestvibe have done with their Brush Vibrator. With the appearance of a facial cleanser, this undercover vibrator is the perfect product for those who require some privacy, with a price that won’t break the bank either.


Review: OSUGA Cuddly Bird

OSUGA Cuddly Bird

It goes without saying that aesthetics drive a large portion of our purchases, even if we might not want to admit it. But while choosing the cute phone case or the wine bottle with a happy dog on it over another one might not have a huge impact on its performance, the same logic sadly doesn’t usually follow over to sex toys. The immense amount of products within this industry paired with a complete lack of awareness about them by the general population is a dangerous combination, and is the reason why thousands of people continue to unknowingly risk their health every day by using toxic toys. Plus, without the usual means to advertise or promote items, companies need to think fast about how to make their toys stand out in a world that doesn’t want them. One such product is the OSUGA Cuddly Bird, a multi-award-winning clitoral stimulator that is not just adorable, but also doubles as a lamp to give it that extra touch. The question is, how much of this is a gimmick designed to capture people’s attention, and how much of it is actually a good quality sex toy?


Review: Femme Funn Versa Bullet & Sleeves

Femme Funn Versa with attachments

Last time at the blog we were taking a look at sustainability in the sex toy industry and what products are currently making a difference, namely the new Lovehoney X Love Not War Amore. Designed as a modular toy so you only need one set of electronics across the entire range (even if it’s currently not being sold as such), Love Not War aimed to reduce both the waste and cost associated with their toys. But while it may not look as fancy, the idea of being able to take one core toy and then transforming it into a range of different styles has been around for years thanks to sleeve attachments. This concept has always intrigued me personally, but aside from the fairly out there Uberrime Tentare Tentacle, there is a distinct lack of reviews for them at my blog. Why? Well I have given these sorts of things a go at conventions and stores, and I’ve always been seriously unimpressed at just how well the vibrations transfer through. But when I heard Femme Funn, makers of the popular Ultra Bullet, were releasing their own version named the Versa earlier this year, and For Her Box offered it to me for review, I figured it was time to finally give bullet sleeves a proper go.


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