Welcome to Princess Previews 2.0! If you’re a regular here, you might notice things look a little different. That’s because for the last few weeks I’ve been slowly redesigning my blog to better represent myself and what I do here, and this is my first post since making the switch! Part of this update meant taking a photo of myself that I could use both on my sidebar and as a profile picture on social media, and for such an image I knew I wanted to include a sex toy. The question was: which toy did I choose? I’ve now reviewed over two hundred items at the blog, and that’s only one portion of my actual collection. But I knew that whatever I chose had to be both loved by me (it is quite a endorsement, after all!) and easily identifiable. So when I was scrolling through real estate TikTok (don’t judge me) and saw the iconic Satisfyer Pro 2 briefly appear unnamed in a video, yet all the comments were talking about it, I knew I had my toy. Interestingly, though, while my review of the original Pro 2 remains one of my most popular ever, I never actually reviewed any of its later iterations, commonly dubbed the “Next Generation”. So, six years later, I figured it was finally time!