Review Round-Up: Grinders

Grinders Review Round-Up

Like many people, grinding was my entry point into the world of masturbation. Whether it meant rubbing at my vulva by hand or going on top of my pillows at night, I was doing it long before I even knew what a vibrator was. But now, after seven years of testing hundreds of sex toys, it’s not often I find myself resorting to this kind of “acoustic” play anymore. After all, I have all kinds of gadgets that can achieve the same thing for far less effort, and thus grinding had become but a distant memory. So, you can imagine my surprise when in 2021 a new toy trend seemingly emerged out of nowhere: grinders. From indie makers releasing a wave of textured non-insertables, to retailers relabelling old favourites like the We-Vibe Touch and Tenga Iroha+ Kushi as grindable toys, clearly something was going on, and I wanted in. Which is why I sought out six of the best for today’s very special grinder review round-up!


Review: Magic Wand Mini

Magic Wand MiniAs with all things in life, it can often be hard to recognise change and progress when it’s part of your day-to-day. But every now and then something comes along that gives you that moment of realisation of just how far things have come, and that’s what today’s review item did for me. You see, when I first turned eighteen and decided to buy a sex toy, I scoured the interwebs for the perfect product. I wanted something with power, but at the same time didn’t have much money and needed it to be discreet. Being fond of clitoral stimulation, a wand massager was the ideal choice, but the options available were… less than ideal. After many failed attempts with mini versions, whose smaller size better suited my privacy needs at the time, I was eventually able to fork out for a Magic Wand Rechargeable, which clearly worked since it remains my favourite sex toy to this day. Still, I can only imagine how much easier things would have been for myself and others if a toy like the Magic Wand Mini had existed back then.


Review: Momotaro Apotheca Salve

Momotaro Apotheca Salve

You know how they say bad things happen for a reason? Well I don’t really believe that, but I do have one such example. I had just turned 18 and a month after my birthday was Melbourne’s biannual sex convention. I knew next to nothing about sex toys, asides from the fact that I wanted them, and embarrassingly picked out a few options from a popular “$10 or less” stand. I saved them for an upcoming trip away with my ex and was so excited to try them out on that first night, yet as soon as I did I felt some of the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. It felt like my vagina was literally on fire, but being young and in an unfamiliar area, we didn’t seek help. At the time I thought it must be my problem, and I continued thinking that way until I finally decided I needed answers. I learned about the dangers of unsafe sex toys and how my experience was extremely common yet unspoken. With that, I knew I wanted to dedicate myself to helping to spread awareness, and shortly after I started Princess Previews.


Review: SquarePegToys G squeeze

SquarePegToys G squeeze

The first sex toy ever was estimated to have been made around 29000BC, so to say this industry has been around for a long time is a bit of an understatement. What this means though is that your pleasure is in good hands, because there are countless tried-and-true classics out there that are almost guaranteed to give you a good time. From wand massagers, to bullets, and the simple yet effective dildo, these sex toys have been refined over the years to the point where they don’t get much better. But on the flip side, this also means that new and innovative ideas are a rarity, despite almost every product on the market claiming that’s what they are. I’ve seen a few true instances of this during my time, including the now hugely popular suction toys, but I am always on the look out for more. So when I recently learned about the SquarePegToys G squeeze, a product that has been ten years in the making and really is the first design of its kind, I knew I had to get my hands on it, and thankfully Peepshow Toys were happy to help out.


Review: Blush Novelties Avant D17 Lucky

Blush Novelties Avant D17 Lucky

The Avant line by Blush Novelties has been at the top of my wish list for far too long. One of the best bigger brands making dildos and other silicone goods right now, their refined designs matched with eye-catching colours are hard to miss, and as the range has grown over the years so too has my desire to try one. The most popular of the line however has been their Pride (or “P”) range, which are a series of toys featuring the colours of flags relating to some of the more common sexual and gender identities. So, because I’m still in the process of deciding which flags best represent me (and I’d feel strange reviewing something not all my readers may feel is for them), it has put pause on getting one of these toys for myself. But when Blush announced their newest additions to the line last June for Pride, and the absolutely stunning D17 Lucky was part of it, I couldn’t quite resist any longer. Even better then was that despite its release date and resemblance to the bisexual flag (which I do identify with), it isn’t actually intended as part of their Avant Pride range (as denoted by the “D” in its name, presumably for dildo, rather than “P”), making it accessible for everyone.


Review: Femme Funn Versa Bullet & Sleeves

Femme Funn Versa with attachments

Last time at the blog we were taking a look at sustainability in the sex toy industry and what products are currently making a difference, namely the new Lovehoney X Love Not War Amore. Designed as a modular toy so you only need one set of electronics across the entire range (even if it’s currently not being sold as such), Love Not War aimed to reduce both the waste and cost associated with their toys. But while it may not look as fancy, the idea of being able to take one core toy and then transforming it into a range of different styles has been around for years thanks to sleeve attachments. This concept has always intrigued me personally, but aside from the fairly out there Uberrime Tentare Tentacle, there is a distinct lack of reviews for them at my blog. Why? Well I have given these sorts of things a go at conventions and stores, and I’ve always been seriously unimpressed at just how well the vibrations transfer through. But when I heard Femme Funn, makers of the popular Ultra Bullet, were releasing their own version named the Versa earlier this year, and For Her Box offered it to me for review, I figured it was time to finally give bullet sleeves a proper go.


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