While I like to test out as many sex toys as I can get my hands on, I’m a bit more picky when it comes to lubricants. I already know I love the Sliquid range, and since they have so many options available it isn’t often I feel the need to try out a new brand. But, I know that even Sliquid isn’t accessible to everyone, whether it’s because of ingredients, price, or availability in your area, and I also feel it’s part of my duty as a sex toy reviewer to test out what is essentially the companion product to almost every sex toy. So if I had to name one lubricant I’ve heard the most raving about lately and been eager to try out for myself, it’s definitely the YES WB lubricant. I’ve been following the company for a while online now, and loved their ethical and organic approach to their products. Therefore, recently when Mojoco approached me about reviewing the YES WB, I was more than glad to accept the opportunity.
The Sender
Since it is my first time working with Mojoco for a review, I’ll also give a quick introduction to them. Mojoco is the new kid in the Australian online sex toy retail scene, and I have high hopes for them and what they are doing! Based in Queensland, they offer a fantastic range of curated sex toys for sale. Their mission is all about female sexual empowerment and helping people discover their mojo (making their name, MOJO COmpany, apt). Plus their store is sex-positive and aims to only sell “the best of the best” body-safe sex toys. Their shipping is 100% discreet and prices are very reasonable, plus they ship worldwide if you aren’t an Aussie like me!
The Brand
Yes is known as the Organic Intimacy Company, and just from those three words I could tell I was going to love them. The brand, founded in 2003 by two women, was built upon the idea that many lubricants available today can be made from harmful ingredients, and that there was a need for an organic and pure option. Now selling a range of natural and certified organic lubricants, moisturisers, and intimate washes, they have certainly filled that need. All of their products are free from parabens, hormones, glycerine, and other known skin irritants, and instead use ingredients that are actually beneficial for the mucosa and skin. They also come in a range of sizes, from small sample bottles to large tubes, so you can find the amount and price to suit your needs.
Product Description
The YES WB water-based organic lubricant from Yes is their most popular product. Water-based lubricants are also my favourite type, as they are compatible with everything and I have no worries using them with my sex toys. I was most intrigued by this particular lubricant as it seemed extremely simple and no fuss, which I think is a good quality for a lube to have. Some people want their lubricants to add something to the experience, such as a taste, smell, or even sensation, but I am more than happy for the lube to simply do its job as intended so I can get on with my business. YES WB keeps it simple, but still does everything a good lube should do, and that’s what I love about it right from the start. Firstly, it has no smell, taste or stickiness to it, and is pH balanced specially for the vagina. Secondly, it’s also designed to then moisturise, so it can rapidly relieve any dryness and discomfort, and protect the mucus membranes. This can be particularly beneficial during menopause, and also will just leave you feeling hydrated and soft. You can check out the list of ingredients included in the lube in the product description here, and it has been specially formulated to reduce the risk of allergies, making it Gynecologist recommended and Hypoallergenic.
My order with Mojoco for the YES WB lubricant was placed on the 10th of April and it arrived on the 16th which was fantastic. The package was completely discreet, with no mention of the company that sent it or what was inside. Inside the initial packaging I then found that my items were very nicely and luxuriously gift wrapped. This isn’t a service I experience for free very often, and it made the experience of receiving the product feel a lot more special and memorable. I believe this is a service Mojoco offer for everyone, which I think is fantastic and I wish more small companies did as it really adds a great personal touch. While every other lubricant I have tried just comes in its bottle or tube, YES WB also comes in cardboard box packaging. This may seem a little unnecessary, but it does allow Yes to convey far more information on the box than the bottle. Plus, the box is absolutely gorgeous and oozes luxury, with well designed graphics and silver foil on some of the key text so that these shine in certain lights. Inside the box is also an instruction manual which features even more information about the product in various languages.
The actual container for the YES WB lubricant is a simple squeeze tube that many other products come in. It’s mostly white, with a blue watercolour decal, which makes the whole thing look rather medical and not very ‘fun’ or lube like. This might be a little bit boring if you are planning on taking it to a party, but for someone like me who just wants something discreet to keep next to my bed, it’s perfect. It’s so boring-looking that I don’t feel the need to hide it when we have guests over (we have an en suite bathroom so they have to get to it via our bedroom), which is a big difference from my Sliquid and Good Clean Love lubricants. Even if someone came up close to it, the words explaining what it actually is is in such small writing that they would most likely need to pick it up to find out what it was, unless they knew what ‘YES WB’ stands for. Since it came with an informative box and instruction manual, the information on the bottle is far more brief than other lubricant packaging. It just has a simple description in a few languages, the ingredients list in english, and then some other necessary information such where it was manufactured. The cap is easy to open, and once this is done squeezing out the lubricant is extremely easy. My bottle is 50ml, but it also comes in 100ml and 150ml, and can also come in individual applicators.
First Impressions
Immediately when I open the cap for this lubricant I have a bit of an issue, because it is so runny that it just starts dripping out of the bottle straight away, with the cap offering no resistance to it. This’ll mean that just opening the cap causes a bunch to fall out from the pressure of opening it, and then after it’s open it’ll just keep dripping until finally closed again. But even when the lid is closed, sometimes I find wet patches under it! This has quickly become a big issue for me when I’m using the lubricant. I would probably say every time I use it, 50% I actually get to use, and 50% drips out onto the bed, myself, or my clothes, whilst I’m applying it. It has now become a mad rush to open the cap, apply it, and close the cap all as quickly as possible to minimise the amount of dripping this lube does, which is still a lot. It’s unfortunate, as even before talking about what the actual product is like, I know its packaging has let it down for me, and it’s hard to recommend something I feel you’re probably going to end up losing 50% of.
My Experience

So, yes, this lubricant is quite runny and fairly thin. It is not as thin or runny as my Sliquid Sea, which has an almost water-like consistency, but it’s not far from it. Since YES WB is also meant to moisturise, I was imagining it to be more like Sliquid Satin, which is Sliquid’s moisturising lubricant and also my favourite. But I find the two to be very different, with Satin being far thicker and actually feeling a lot more like a moisturiser. When Satin dries, the skin also feels like it has been moisturised, whereas YES WB dries without any residue or feeling to the skin. I would say it probably is moisturising, especially on the vulva, but not as obviously so as Satin and I wouldn’t recommend it if this purpose is important to you. There is no real smell or taste to this lube, the only thing I would comment on is that it can be initially a little salty when you taste it, but this fades away within a second or so.
I’ve found YES WB to be the most natural feeling lubricant I have tried so far, and its consistency reminds me a lot of my body’s own lubricant. Once applied it is easy to forget it’s there, as it blends in perfectly with my own fluids. I’ve also found a small amount really goes a long way, and I don’t have to reapply more very often.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion I’ve really enjoyed trying out the YES WB lubricant. My expectation was for a lubricant more along the lines of Sliquid Satin due to the moisturising element, although this totally was not the case. Instead I was pleasantly surprised by an incredibly natural feeling lubricant that matches my body’s own fluids well. I often wonder when I get a new lubricant how it will fit into my life when I already have so many and whether it’ll actually get used, but I feel this one has definitely found a space for itself in my life, as it offers me a much more organic feeling product than my others that I can apply whenever I am using vaginal toys. However, the big downside I have found is the cap, which I think needs improvement so that the lubricant doesn’t just leak out. Even though a little goes a long way with this, I feel I won’t have much left soon as I just can’t seem to avoid a fair amount of it spilling out every time I open it. Luckily this is a pretty easy fix for Yes to make, so I hope to see them do this for their future packaging.

[16/10/18] After publishing this review I was contacted by Yes who were surprised to hear me talk about the lubricant running out of the bottle and how thin I had found it. They informed me that this lubricant is actually meant to be fairly thick, and suggested that perhaps the Australian heat had affected my bottle. Mojoco, who I received the bottle from, are based in one of the hotter parts of this country, so I suppose if they had it in stock for a long time this could very much be the case. Yes were then kind enough to send me a new bottle so I could try the lubricant out as it is suppose to be. Sure enough this version of the lube is quite thick, which makes it a lot more like my Good Clean Love Almost Naked than any of my Sliquid lubricants. It’s not quite as thick as Almost Naked, but it is thick enough that it can be applied to toys almost like a paste. It rarely runs, and I usually end up using my finger to spread it over toys before use. This also means that the issue with it running out of the bottle is no longer present, as it’s no longer runny enough to do this. I made this video to further demonstrate the difference between the two bottles.
Last updated: 26/2/24
Price at the time of writing: $19.95 AUD / $14.85 USD
I received this product in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Affiliate links have been used in this post.
I cant get over the sheer variety there is.
I’ll have to keep an eye out for this one!