
Review: OSUGA Cuddly Bird

OSUGA Cuddly Bird

It goes without saying that aesthetics drive a large portion of our purchases, even if we might not want to admit it. But while choosing the cute phone case or the wine bottle with a happy dog on it over another one might not have a huge impact on its performance, the same logic sadly doesn’t usually follow over to sex toys. The immense amount of products within this industry paired with a complete lack of awareness about them by the general population is a dangerous combination, and is the reason why thousands of people continue to unknowingly risk their health every day by using toxic toys. Plus, without the usual means to advertise or promote items, companies need to think fast about how to make their toys stand out in a world that doesn’t want them. One such product is the OSUGA Cuddly Bird, a multi-award-winning clitoral stimulator that is not just adorable, but also doubles as a lamp to give it that extra touch. The question is, how much of this is a gimmick designed to capture people’s attention, and how much of it is actually a good quality sex toy?


Review: Bestvibe Suction Vibrator

Bestvibe Suction Vibrator

When I first started blogging, suction toys were nothing more than the newest gimmick to hit the market. But six years later they remain some of the industry’s bestselling products, and just like me and my blog, it looks like they’re here to stay. One aspect to them that hasn’t really seen much improvement over the last few years however is their price tag, as with original makers Womanizer and Satisfyer continuing to dominate the market (and sending lawsuits to anyone who dares make their own), they have ensured these toys remain inaccessible for most. At some point over the last year though, perhaps due to the ongoing pandemic and corresponding boom in sales, I feel like the industry as a whole finally said “fuck it”, and collectively started creating their own versions at a rate even Womanizer and Satisfyer’s fancy lawyers couldn’t keep up with. So today for our review I’m taking a look at my cheapest suction toy yet, the $25 USD Bestvibe Suction Vibrator.


Review: Irresistible Mythical

Irresistible Mythical

Last week’s review was full of firsts. It was my first time reviewing a suction toy outside of those from the major brands, such as Satisfyer and We-Vibe, which was surprising considering they’re my favourite type of sex toy. Plus, it was my first real look at the suction rabbit trend, which has recently risen out of the brilliant success of the Womanizer DUO. So it must be fate, because entirely by coincidence it just so happens that this week’s review item from For Her Box is an almost identical product (I did say it was a big trend, after all!). But while the Sohimi Suction Vibrator offered four different forms of stimulation all within its small little body for the ridiculously low price of $38, the Irresistible Mythical is significantly more simplified yet much more costly, coming in at $165. Still, this is far from the beloved DUO’s $330, making the Mythical a perfect middle ground between the two toys. Whether that actually stays true during testing however… we’re about to find out!


Review: Sohimi Suction Vibrator

Sohimi Suction Vibrator

Rabbits have always been one of the most popular types of vibrators. But with the rise of suction toys over the last five years, and the discovery that they too can be incorporated into this beloved dual-stimulator, things have gotten much more interesting. Toys like the Satisfyer G-Spot Rabbit and the Womanizer DUO have certainly led the way, to the point where there are now more suction rabbits than WOW Tech can file lawsuits for, but the biggest issue surrounding these toys as of yet is their high prices. After all, as much as I adore the absolute perfection that is the DUO, I do not expect that many people are willing to fork out $330 for the damn thing. So when Sohimi recently approached me and suggested I review their version, which is priced at just $38 (for those keeping track at home, that’s THREE HUNDRED LESS than the DUO), I was understandably apprehensive of how good it could be, but more than eager to find out!


Review: Womanizer Liberty

Womanizer Liberty By Lily Allen

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but my only two reviews of Womanizer’s core products so far have been of their most expensive items. As great as this has been (in a best orgasms of my life” kinda way), I worry it has given me a false sense of how good their products really are, and it’s also been hard to recommend such pricey items to people, especially when I know full well that without this blog I wouldn’t be able to afford them either. So, it’s because of this that lately I’ve been eyeing the rest of Womanizer’s somewhat small range, particularly their most affordable offerings (which are still really mid-range in terms of price) the Starlet 2 and Liberty. I wasn’t fully set on which I’d prefer, but whilst in the process of finding a company to partner with for the review, something major happened. Womanizer announced they’d teamed up legendary singer Lily Allen to bring out a very special edition of the Liberty… and that’s when I knew I had to have it.


Review: Satisfyer Curvy 1+ & 2+

Satisfyer Curvy 1+ and 2+

When suction toys were first announced, I couldn’t help but be sceptical. But as soon as I tried my first one, I knew it was something special, and since then they’ve just kept on getting better and better. Never before has a type of sex toy so consistently raised the bar year after year, somehow finding new ways to improve upon things that I had already deemed perfect (and really messing with my ratings system). Something else about these toys that has raised over the last few years, however, is the price …at least it has on my blog. That’s right, while suction toys still come in a huge range of prices, my personal love for them has seen me requesting more and more costly options lately, with the culmination of that being my recent review on the Womanizer DUO, a $330 AUD product that (as far as I know) is currently the most expensive stimulator on the market. But while trying these luxury products has been fun (particularly for me), I also want to be able to promote and recommend products that the average person can consider purchasing, and that is not the DUO. So today I am finally breaking my streak and taking a look at two of Satisfyer’s brand new mid-range products, the Curvy 1+ and Curvy 2+.


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