Two things I am hoping to try more of this year are toys made of stone or crystal, and kegel toys. So when I was recently browsing Mojoco’s website to choose toys to review for them, you can imagine my excitement when I saw they sell yoni eggs. Yoni eggs, for those of you who are unfamiliar with them, are essentially the two things I was after combined: a stone egg designed to strengthen your kegel muscles. While I have tried other types of kegel toys previously, I’ve always been a little hesitant to request a yoni egg for review, since unlike the rest they do not come with an attached string for easy removal, and the idea of struggling to retrieve it from my vagina has always freaked me out. But I decided it was about time to face that fear, and was excited when Mojoco decided to send me their Certified Nephrite Jade Egg.
To learn more about what exactly kegel toys and exercises are, you can check out my review of the Fifty Shades of Grey Delicious Pleasure Ben Wa Balls where I cover the subject. While yoni eggs and ben wa balls have the same core purpose, in that they are supposed to help strengthen your pelvic muscles, yoni eggs also have a secondary purpose due to their natural materials, and that is that they are considered to have spiritual healing properties.
Product Description
My Nephrite Jade Egg is 59g, 30mm x 40mm / 1.2″ x 1.6″, and indeed shaped like an egg. This is the medium size version of it, which is all Mojoco stocks, but smaller and larger sizes can be purchased from the manufacturer. There is a small hole drilled into the top of the egg, and this is for if you wish to attach something to help with removal, or if you want to attach weights (this is for more advanced use and I haven’t tested it this way). It’s made from Nephrite Jade, which can appear very dark and practically black when in shadows, but in sunlight it sparkles green. This stone originated in Canada, and is GIA Certified and of the highest quality. It feels completely smooth and silky, and has a MOHS rating of 6.5. Yoni eggs are not suitable for anal use.
As with all yoni eggs, this can be used to strengthen the pelvic floor which can help with improved bladder control, increased pleasure, and reduced menstrual cramping. But in combination to this, the Nephrite Jade also has its own special properties. Connected to the Heart Chakra and also known as the dream stone, Nephrite Jade can help to cleanse the mind and support love, trustworthiness, and fidelity. Additionally, it can help with: cherishing desires and the building of your dreams, revitalizing energy, healing and health, good luck, a sense of calm, wellbeing and confidence, kidney function, and soothing irritability, among other things.
The Brand
While I received the Nephrite Jade Yoni Egg from Mojoco, it is actually made by Gemstone Yoni from California. They source materials from all around the world for their store, and sell a huge range of yoni eggs and other crystals. While Mojoco only offer this one yoni egg, Gemstone Yoni Eggs have a range of different materials, and also offer different sizes along with non-drilled versions. If you’re looking for information on yoni eggs I would recommend their website, which has heaps of resources for making the most of their products.
My order with Mojoco for the Nephrite Jade Yoni Egg was placed on the 10th of April and it arrived on the 16th which was fantastic. The package was completely discreet, with no mention of the company that sent it or what was inside. Within the initial packaging I then found that my items were very nicely and luxuriously gift wrapped. This isn’t a service I get for free very often, and it made the experience of receiving the product feel a lot more special and memorable. I believe this is a service Mojoco offer for everyone, which I think is fantastic and I wish more small companies did as it really adds a great personal touch. Inside this packaging I then found the yoni egg nicely bubble-wrapped for protection, and in a storage pouch. The pouch is a drawstring bag and made with a silky soft material which features the Gemstone Yoni Eggs logo. I love the inclusion of this, as it’s nice to have somewhere special to store my egg. It also came with a small instruction guide from Gemstone Yoni Eggs, which talks about the Chakras and how to use and care for your crystal. On the store listing for this product on Mojoco it comes with 4 mini pocket crystals, however these were not included in my review version of the item.
Spiritual Use
If you only care about using the egg for its kegel abilities, rather than its spiritual or healing properties, then you can probably skip this next bit. I’ve got to admit, I’m not the best at any of this spiritual stuff either, but I do like the idea of it and am always trying to learn more.

When you first get your yoni egg you are suppose to cleanse it. On their website Mojoco write “Crystals & stones absorb energy so although we have loved and cared for your crystal at Mojoco from the moment it arrived it has had a life before us.” First it’s recommended to wash it in hot (but not boiling) water with a natural soap, and then to energetically cleanse it. There are many different ways to do this, but Mojoco’s recommendations are either bathing it in moonlight (especially on a full moon), placing it in sea water, or burning some sage and spreading it over. Gemstone Yoni Eggs also recommends those methods, but additionally suggests placing the egg in the sun or near the earth, such as on the grass, in a hole, or on the beach. By doing this you’ll be removing any negative energy from the egg and instead infusing it with your own energy, and it’s recommended to perform this ritual regularly so you can recharge and reset it. I’ve found my favourite ways to cleanse are with moonlight and sunlight, as this I can do this from my home. But if you live near a beach or have a backyard then these options might also be available for you.
After cleansing there are a few other things you can do to get the most out of your egg. One is meditation, and this can be used to help you set intentions with the egg. To do this you can hold it in your hands, while stating your intentions out loud or in your head. You can also hold it close and envision your dreams and goals so that it may help you achieve them. When I first got the egg I also chose to spend a few days with it close by before using it, to help it get to know my energy and so I felt more connected to it. There are many more rituals and methods for connecting with, cleansing, and energising your yoni egg, too many for me to list in this review. But if you’re interested then do some research as there are plenty of resources for this online, and also feel free to just make up your own rituals and do what feels right for you.
My Experience
After doing all that stuff it makes the actual use of the Nephrite Jade Yoni Egg seem incredibly simple. Firstly you can either use it as is, or attach some string through its hole to make removing it easier. I would definitely recommend the latter if you are new to yoni eggs, and then over time you’ll get use to removing it and won’t need to attach anything. I was personally very nervous about the idea of yoni eggs that don’t have a string attached, so was super glad this one comes with a hole. For the string it is recommended to use unwaxed, non-flavoured dental floss. I had a bit of trouble finding this in store, and would probably recommend trying to find some online instead as this may be easier. Once this is attached you can then apply some lubricant to it (I prefer to use Good Clean Love Almost Naked as this is very thick and so can be applied all over without dripping off), and slowly insert it with the smaller end pointing down and the string sticking out of you like a tampon. Usually before insertion I also like to first warm it up, either in my hands or in warm water, as otherwise it can be very cold. You shouldn’t feel any discomfort during insertion, so if you do then take it slow.
Once inserted I usually just go about my business. Typically I’ll use the Nephrite Jade Yoni Egg when I do cleaning or cooking, as these are the only real times I am standing up for long periods whilst home. I also like to do kegel exercises, meditate, or masturbate whilst it’s inside, and if I am not planning on doing any standing activities that day then wearing it while I work or watch TV is also good. Since I only wear it for a 30 minutes to an hour at a time I haven’t gone out with it yet, but I don’t think I would have any issues if I did. Usually when I wear it I barely feel anything, and it hardly ever starts to come out by itself. If it does I just do some kegel exercises to get it back into place. If I really focus on it then I can feel its weight, but otherwise it doesn’t distract me. Removal is then very easy with the string, as you can just pull it out. I have also tried not using the string, and just using my muscles to push it out which has been successful, although I haven’t been confident enough yet to actually wear it without the string attached, just in case I need it.
Cleaning & Care
Cleaning the Nephrite Jade Yoni Egg couldn’t be easier. First throw out the string used, and then clean it the same way you did when you first got it. This is by placing it in some hot water and adding some of your favourite natural soap, agitating it for a few seconds, and then leaving it to soak for 10 minutes. Afterwards rinse it clean with fresh water and allow to air dry. Be particularly careful to wash out the drilled hole, to make sure nothing hides here. Also make sure to never place the egg in boiling water, and don’t use harsh cleaners or soaps.
Final Thoughts
Overall the Nephrite Jade Yoni Egg has been super fun to try out, learn from, and review. Since I’ve never had a yoni egg before I had to do a lot of research, and I feel like I have learnt so much from the experience of testing it. There is obviously a lot of different information and rituals out there for crystal and stone toys, and I couldn’t include it all, but I have included the things I found most useful, and so I hope you do too. I definitely enjoyed the more spiritual and healing aspect of this yoni egg, as it is an experience I did not get with my previous kegel toys, and after reviewing this egg over the last few months I truly feel connected with it. But if you are interested in this solely for the kegel purposes, then by all means it is fantastic for that too and is a lot less fuss than some silicone kegel balls. I think that this medium size with the hole drilled is perfect for beginners, so I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking to start on their yoni egg journey.
Last updated: 26/2/24
Price at the time of writing: $99.95 AUD / $72.75 USD
I received this product in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Affiliate links have been used in this post.
I’ve never liked the whole idea of these.