Dual Stimulation

Review: Paloqueth Dolphin Vibrator

Paloqueth Dolphin Vibrator and Remote Control

The first sex toy I ever took notice of was the original We-Vibe couples vibrator, which has now been followed up by toys like the We-Vibe Chorus. Even though this was back when I was in high school, I remember it being a big deal and watching the toy break through into the mainstream (or as mainstream as a sex toy can be). I enthusiastically told all my friends how much I loved the idea of it, and tried very hard to win one when I attended my first ever sex convention that year. Despite then going on to work in the sex industry and review toys professionally, I still never got the opportunity to review that infamous style of toy that started it all for me. It certainly hasn’t been without me trying though, as numerous times I’ve had offers to review a couples vibe only for it to fall through. But here I am, finally, after all these years, with my first ever couples vibrator. It may not be a We-Vibe, but I was ridiculously excited to try out the Paloqueth Dolphin anyway.


Review: The Rabbit Company Come Hither Rabbit

The Rabbit Company Come Hither Rabbit

If I had a bucket list of sex toys, a traditional style rabbit vibrator would have certainly been present on it until very recently. I’ve tried a few toys over the years that take their inspiration from the dual stimulation first pioneered by rabbits, such as the SenseMax SenseVibe, Adorime Rabbit and Vibease Esthesia, but until late last month I had never actually tried a design where the external arm included the classic rabbit ears, which is where the name stems from. So, in true reviewer style, after longing over one of these vibes for so long, when I finally get one I get two at once. The first was the Paloqueth Rabbit, which I reviewed last week, while today’s review is on The Rabbit Company Come Hither, which I received shortly after. Trying the two out at the same time was certainly interesting, as while they look very similar, they couldn’t be more different. While Paloqueth’s Rabbit is only a simple, low-budget vibe, The Come Hither is an expensive luxury toy with more than a few tricks up its sleeve.


Review: Paloqueth Rabbit Vibrator

Paloqueth Rabbit

It takes a lot to impress me. At this point I’ve been doing this for just under 4 years, and with almost 100 reviews under my belt (and many more sex toys under my bed), I find it harder and harder to be wow’d by a toy. But last year one really stood out for me, and it was a simple $20 rabbit vibrator. I’m talking about the Paloqueth G-Spot Vibrator, or the Paloqueth Mermaid as they’ve now renamed it. This toy came in at Number 3 on my Top 10 Sex Toys of 2018 list, and ranking it so high was not an easy decision. Could a simple and generic $20 vibe really make it that far on my list? Could a company with no stockists, that only sell their toys on Amazon to the US and Germany really be included? What’s more, myself and a few other bloggers experienced harassment by one of the staff members in November last year. I felt by including Paloqueth’s product on my list it would make it lose credibility, but at the end of the day my mission here at the blog is to give you folks my honest opinions: and honestly, my G-Spot adored this toy. Since then I’m happy to report that the company has reached out and apologised for the issues I had with one of their staff, and have offered to send me some new toys for review. If it was any other company I think I would have said no, but since this was the maker of a toy I enjoyed so throughly, I couldn’t help but accept.


Review: Adorime Rabbit Vibrator

Adorime Rabbit

I feel like I’ve had some pretty good luck with sex toys this year, which is almost surprising since I’ve mostly been testing products from lesser-known brands, rather than the usual big industry players. It’s taught me to not judge a book by its cover, or in this case a sex toy by its manufacturer’s reputation, or lack thereof. On that note, today’s review is on the Adorime Rabbit, a G-Spot and clitoral vibrator with two motors for dual stimulation. I hadn’t heard of Adorime previously to them contacting me, but they’ve actually been manufacturing products in China since 2015, and have since signed on as one of my blog’s sponsors! I’ve really enjoyed working alongside their company during this time, and so was eager to also try out one of their products for the blog. They offered to send me their popular rabbit vibe, which I was more than happy to accept.


Review: Satisfyer Pro G-Spot Rabbit

Satisfyer Pro G-Spot Rabbit

I don’t think I’ve ever doubted a sex toy more than with the Satisfyer Pro G-Spot Rabbit (also known as the Satisfyer Pro + G-Spot), as soon as I saw it I thought it was a bad idea. I’m automatically suspicious of all rabbit style vibrators, because it can be so hard to find one that will actually suit your body. Companies who make them seem to assume the distance between the clitoris and vaginal opening, and if you don’t fit into that measurement, or the small window of flexibility that some offer, then you’re probably going to be down a hundred bucks and left with a vibrator you can’t use. Certainly if you find one that does suit your body then they can be amazing, and I have actually had some pretty good luck with the rabbit style vibes I have tried so far, but as a blogger I feel unprofessional recommending toys that I know probably won’t work for a lot of people, even if it does work for me. Then bring Satisfyer’s suction-style toys into the picture, a range of products that I have trouble placing on my clitoris when it’s the only thing I have to do… yeah, that doesn’t sound like the best match. But, Satisfyer do seem to continually prove me wrong and have produced nothing but astounding toys so far, so I thought I should at least give them some credit and try out their latest innovation, who knows, maybe it’ll surprise me.


Review: Vibease Esthesia

Vibease Esthesia

If I had to name one of my favourite and most unique reviews this year then the Vibease clitoral vibrator would surely come up. I had no idea what it would be like and was more than a little cynical about its erotic audio books, but it didn’t take me long to fall in love with it. While it had its faults, namely being difficult to use without its phone app, overall I gave it a good review. After publishing it I was once again contacted by Vibease, who were pleased with the review and offered to send me their only other product, the Esthesia. This toy is essentially the same as the Vibease and is also designed for use alongside their phone app, however rather than being a clit vibe it’s a rabbit vibrator. While I have now tried two dual stimulation vibrators, the MysteryVibe Crescendo and SenseMax SenseVibe, this is the first one that actually features the traditional shape of the rabbit vibrator (without the actual rabbit), so I guess technically this is my first one! Due to this and my love for the Vibease, I have been very excited to try out the Esthesia and write this review.


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