WOW Tech

Review: We-Vibe Touch X

We-Vibe Touch X

There’s understandably been a lot of hype lately surrounding the We-Vibe Tango X, considering it’s the long-awaited upgrade to one of the most popular vibrators ever made. In fact, the expectations have been so high that when I reviewed it a few months ago, I was somewhat unimpressed, as while there wasn’t anything necessarily wrong with it, I just felt it wasn’t able to live up to its predecessor’s legacy. But while all eyes have been on the Tango X, another new We-Vibe product has quietly begun making waves of its own. The We-Vibe Touch has long been the lesser-known sister toy to the Tango, with the two of them being released together originally and for every upgrade since, including the latest X generation. Despite both being clitoral vibrators using the same powerful motor however, the two cater to complete opposite ends of the spectrum, with the thin and rigid ABS plastic of the Tango being ideal for pin-point stimulation, whilst the soft silicone and sculpted body of the Touch boasting broad vibrations. So, with the Tango not really doing it for me anymore, I figured now was the perfect time to finally get to know the Touch X, and JOUJOU agreed.


Review: We-Vibe Tango X

We-Vibe Tango X

When I first started reading sex blogs and toy reviews many years ago, there were a few products that would consistently be referenced across all of my favourite websites. They were things like the Njoy Pure Wand, Vixen Creations VixSkin Mustang, and Magic Wand Rechargeable, legendary toys that continue to maintain a cult following even today. But the main toy that I kept hearing about over and over again, regardless of what the actual review was about, was the versatile We-Vibe Tango. Widely regarded as the most powerful bullet vibrator on the market, it wasn’t long before I got one of my own and fell madly in love with it just like everyone else. A marvel of simplicity mixed with raw power, We-Vibe’s unrelenting lipstick-shaped ABS plastic was the perfect vessel for rumbly vibrations that were ahead of their time, and the fuss-free design complimented them perfectly. But it had a dark secret, with a battery life that was unable to meet the demand its users placed on it. I’ve spoken to people who have owned over ten Tangos in order to get their fix, but when mine died back in 2019, that was it for me, and eventually I found a replacement in the Dame Kip. Since then though I have been just wishing We-Vibe would fix this issue and re-release it, and so when JOUJOU got in touch recently to let me know that was exactly what was happening to celebrate the toy’s 10th birthday, I couldn’t have been happier.


Review: Womanizer Liberty

Womanizer Liberty By Lily Allen

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but my only two reviews of Womanizer’s core products so far have been of their most expensive items. As great as this has been (in a best orgasms of my life” kinda way), I worry it has given me a false sense of how good their products really are, and it’s also been hard to recommend such pricey items to people, especially when I know full well that without this blog I wouldn’t be able to afford them either. So, it’s because of this that lately I’ve been eyeing the rest of Womanizer’s somewhat small range, particularly their most affordable offerings (which are still really mid-range in terms of price) the Starlet 2 and Liberty. I wasn’t fully set on which I’d prefer, but whilst in the process of finding a company to partner with for the review, something major happened. Womanizer announced they’d teamed up legendary singer Lily Allen to bring out a very special edition of the Liberty… and that’s when I knew I had to have it.


Review: We-Vibe Nova 2

We-Vibe Nova 2

Recently I was asked for a rabbit vibrator recommendation from one of my readers whose old toy had just broke, and as I scrolled through almost five years worth of my own reviews to find something suitable, I realised with surprise that there wasn’t a single product I felt I could suggest. I’m not sure whether it’s because rabbit vibrators are so hit or miss and I just haven’t found something I enjoy enough yet, or that they perhaps just aren’t for me, but the bottom line is that I don’t have even one traditional rabbit vibrator that I personally enjoy enough to feel comfortable recommending it to someone else. Of all the rabbits I’ve tried, there have been plenty of alright products, such as The Rabbit Company Come Hither and Vibease Esthesia, but even my current favourite, the Rocks Off Regala, can’t even stimulate my pleasure points effectively. In fact, the best dual-stimulation toys I’ve tried aren’t even rabbits at all, but the Womanizer DUO and SenseMax SenseVibe Warm, two luxury toys that aren’t exactly what people are after when they ask for rabbit recommendations. Plus, the nature of rabbits means that even if I did find one I enjoy, chances are it wouldn’t work for you anyway. But, when I recently heard that We-Vibe were releasing a newer version of their legendary Nova rabbit, a flexible vibrator designed to work with a range of body types and the toy that Womanizer based the DUO’s amazing G-Spot arm on, I was all in.


Review: Womanizer DUO

Womanizer DUO

It’s no secret that the last few months have been quite difficult, and if I’m being completely honest… I’m still not ready to accept that it’s no longer March. But there are a few things in my life that I’ve been able to turn to during the worst moments to feel a little bit of happiness, and some of those things have been sex toys. Three products in particular have been brightening my mood lately, with each lending itself to different situations. There is the Magic Wand Rechargeable, which works either solo or with my partner as an easy way to achieve a quick but satisfying orgasm, the Dame Kip, which helps me to have some amazing orgasms during PIV sex with my partner, and lastly the Womanizer Premium, a truly breathtaking solo-play toy which has quickly become my personal favourite. In fact, whilst it’s only been a few months since I originally reviewed the Premium, it feels like forever, and I think I’ve already had more orgasms with this toy than most people do in a lifetime. So, when Womanizer recently reached out to me and asked if I wanted to try their DUO, which is essentially an upgraded version of the Premium, it was just about the best thing that’s happened to me in months. (more…)

Review: Womanizer Premium

Womanizer Premium

It always surprises me that despite suction toys now being my favourite type of adult product, I have only ever tested one toy from the company who arguably invented the technology. In fact, even that toy I only got a few months ago, and while brand new at the time, the Womanizer X Lovehoney Pro40 ultimately was a re-release of one of Womanizer’s early products, and as such didn’t really do much to show me what the company is capable of now. Still, even with that it was good enough to make it on my Top 10 Sex Toys of 2019 list, which is no easy feat. Afterwards it was pretty clear what needed to be done, I had to get my hands on one of Womanizer’s newer products and finally find out what I’ve been missing out on. So, after much consideration of the brand’s impressive catalogue of toys, I decided to go with one of their latest releases and current flagship product, the Womanizer Premium. Plus, since it has just been re-released in two beautiful new colours, Blueberry and Raspberry, I was lucky enough to secure one of these for review!


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