Versatility is one of the most sought-after and important traits for a sex toy, yet it’s something that continues to seem out of reach for a lot of companies. Whether it’s creating a single toy with multiple uses, such as the MysteryVibe Crescendo or ZALO Amorette, supplements for an existing product, such as the We-Vibe Wand’s attachments or the Uberrime Tentare Tentacle, or a modular toy that can be adapted for alternative uses, such as the Ooh by Je Joue, in my experience these products generally never seem to live up to the lofty claims of their advertising. Out everything I just touched on, however, modular design is the only type that I haven’t personally reviewed before, but it is something I’ve always liked the sound of. I still remember how excited I was when the Ooh by Je Joue first came out in 2015, and how obsessed I was with the idea of being able to buy just one base product and then mix-and-match the attachments I wanted. Which is why it was so upsetting when I finally tested it out at a convention and found that the core toy’s vibrations barely transferred through the modular pieces. As such, when I was recently contacted by Xcitme about their new modular product, the Sym-B, I was both cautious and intrigued. The thing that ultimately made me accept it for review, however, was that unlike the Ooh by Je Joue and similar products, the Sym-B’s attachments have their own motors, which is a game-changer.