$100 – $200

Review: Lovehoney Couples Advent Calendar 2021

Lovehoney Advent Calendar 2021

I’ve probably mentioned this once or twice over the years, but I am a huge Christmas person. My decorations go up on November 1st without fail, with practically every element in the house getting switched over to a festive version, from Christmas aprons and tea towels, to Christmas bath mats and pyjamas. I start menu planning months ahead of time and spend most of December in the kitchen, that is when I’m not attending Christmas markets, drinking eggnog or wrapping presents. But one of my absolute favourite parts of Christmas for as long as I can remember has always been the advent calendars. Over the years I’ve watched as they’ve evolved from basic chocolates to luxury varieties filled with things like bath bombs and wine, and I have been 100% here for all of it, regularly having three just to myself (this year’s themes being local craft beer, Back To The Future, and the annual DIY one from my mum, which is usually a mix of tea and candy). The one type of calendar I haven’t tried yet, however, which may be somewhat surprising considering my profession, is sex toys. So this year Christmas feels like it has come early, because Lovehoney have treated me to their very own 2021 “Best Sex Of Your Life” Couples Advent Calendar!


Review: We-Vibe Touch X

We-Vibe Touch X

There’s understandably been a lot of hype lately surrounding the We-Vibe Tango X, considering it’s the long-awaited upgrade to one of the most popular vibrators ever made. In fact, the expectations have been so high that when I reviewed it a few months ago, I was somewhat unimpressed, as while there wasn’t anything necessarily wrong with it, I just felt it wasn’t able to live up to its predecessor’s legacy. But while all eyes have been on the Tango X, another new We-Vibe product has quietly begun making waves of its own. The We-Vibe Touch has long been the lesser-known sister toy to the Tango, with the two of them being released together originally and for every upgrade since, including the latest X generation. Despite both being clitoral vibrators using the same powerful motor however, the two cater to complete opposite ends of the spectrum, with the thin and rigid ABS plastic of the Tango being ideal for pin-point stimulation, whilst the soft silicone and sculpted body of the Touch boasting broad vibrations. So, with the Tango not really doing it for me anymore, I figured now was the perfect time to finally get to know the Touch X, and JOUJOU agreed.


Review: Femme Funn Versa Bullet & Sleeves

Femme Funn Versa with attachments

Last time at the blog we were taking a look at sustainability in the sex toy industry and what products are currently making a difference, namely the new Lovehoney X Love Not War Amore. Designed as a modular toy so you only need one set of electronics across the entire range (even if it’s currently not being sold as such), Love Not War aimed to reduce both the waste and cost associated with their toys. But while it may not look as fancy, the idea of being able to take one core toy and then transforming it into a range of different styles has been around for years thanks to sleeve attachments. This concept has always intrigued me personally, but aside from the fairly out there Uberrime Tentare Tentacle, there is a distinct lack of reviews for them at my blog. Why? Well I have given these sorts of things a go at conventions and stores, and I’ve always been seriously unimpressed at just how well the vibrations transfer through. But when I heard Femme Funn, makers of the popular Ultra Bullet, were releasing their own version named the Versa earlier this year, and For Her Box offered it to me for review, I figured it was time to finally give bullet sleeves a proper go.


Review: Lora DiCarlo Carezza

Lora DiCarlo Carezza

Often times the sex toy industry feels like something of a close knit community. So when big new Silicon Valley-style companies launch with their ignorant yet sweeping assumptions about sex tech and big claims about how they’re going to “reinvent” it… it’s easy to dismiss them. After all, considering the rapidly increasing worth of this industry, which has only skyrocketed since we all collectively spent more time at home than ever before in 2020, tech companies would be foolish not to look into it, even if their obliviousness usually ends up being their downfall. One of the companies that I felt this way about until not so long ago was Lora DiCarlo, a new brand that looks more tech than sex, calls their products “robotics”, and recently appointed actress and model Cara Delevingne as co-owner. But after trying their unique oral sex stimulator Filare in January, thanks to For Her Box, I couldn’t deny that it was indeed the closest replication of those sensations I’ve ever experienced from a sex toy. So for today’s review we’re taking a look at another new innovative toy from Lora DiCarlo, the Carezza, to find out if this brand is really worth your time or just a one hit wonder.


Review: Hot Octopuss KURVE

Hot Octopuss KURVE

If I had to choose just one company that I get most excited for new releases from, it think I would have to be Hot Octopuss. Unlike most other brands who are pumping out new toy ranges all the time, this award-winning UK team only announces a few select products a year, and you can always tell that each piece has been carefully designed to not only provide immense pleasure, but also to stand out and bring something new to the table, whether it’s just to their brand or the industry as a whole. Starting out in the world of penis and couples toys, their masturbators are the only solo sex toys my partner uses, and they make up some of our favourite dual devices too. As for me, I’ve been thoroughly enjoying watching Hot Octopuss slowly expand to produce a small range of clitoral toys over the past few years, starting with the now discontinued Queen Bee, and more recently with the DiGiT and AMO, which is one of my all-time favourite bullets, placing in my Top 10 Sex Toys of 2020. But the G-Spot is one area I’ve still been eagerly awaiting to see them tackle, and now with the release of the KURVE it seems it is finally happening!


Review: Irresistible Mythical

Irresistible Mythical

Last week’s review was full of firsts. It was my first time reviewing a suction toy outside of those from the major brands, such as Satisfyer and We-Vibe, which was surprising considering they’re my favourite type of sex toy. Plus, it was my first real look at the suction rabbit trend, which has recently risen out of the brilliant success of the Womanizer DUO. So it must be fate, because entirely by coincidence it just so happens that this week’s review item from For Her Box is an almost identical product (I did say it was a big trend, after all!). But while the Sohimi Suction Vibrator offered four different forms of stimulation all within its small little body for the ridiculously low price of $38, the Irresistible Mythical is significantly more simplified yet much more costly, coming in at $165. Still, this is far from the beloved DUO’s $330, making the Mythical a perfect middle ground between the two toys. Whether that actually stays true during testing however… we’re about to find out!


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