For a long time, and perhaps even now, my drive for sex toys was driven by aesthetics. I love cute things, but in no other aspect of my life am I able to justify buying multiple versions of essentially the same product just because it looks different. I would never think to purchase different watches or headphones just to have a variety of styles, even if there were slight technical differences between them, but for some reason sex toys defies this thinking for me (and not just because I’m a reviewer). It feels like you can never have enough of them, and I am more than happy to buy a large range of dildos, butt plugs, vibrators and more, even if I already have one that does what it does, based solely on how they look. In fact, I even have multiple versions of the same product just so I could get it in different colours! My point is that I love the aesthetic possibilities that sex toys provide, and so today I want to talk about a company who has embodied this idea perhaps better than any other, and that is Le Wand.